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Table of Contents
  1. About Ride-UI-Kit
  2. Getting Started
  3. Installing Locally
  4. Developing in Watch Mode
  5. Shipping Changes (WIP)
  6. Deploying to Github Pages

Demo Playground

The Ride-UI-Kit has a simplified built-in React App to quickly develop and test front end components. Changes are shipped to the gh-pages branch.

View the demo app

For instructions to start developing locally click here

About Ride-UI-Kit

The Ride-UI-Kit is a shared front end component library that is used across Ride Report React projects. It is a commonplace for all shared front end design systems that includes, and are not limited to:

  • Commonly used React Components (buttons, charts, etc)
  • Assets (logos, svgs, fonts)
  • Whatever else you can think of!

There are a few gotchas. The Ride-UI-Kit is not a traditional npm package. It is not published in the npm registry. Under the surface it is the same as any other github repository but is imported by front end repositories through node packages. Because of this the dist file isn't automatically built on install, we have to save and commit these changes ourselves to take adantage of the compiled javascript so it can be used ubiquitously across projects.

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Getting Started

To import the library into a project, install via npm through the Github Repo URL.

In the root of the consuming project, enter in the command line:

npm install [email protected]:RideReport/ride-ui-kit/src.git#main

Then import it as with any other component.

import { Button } from 'ride-ui-kit';

function Example() {
    return <Button label={'omg it worked'} />

Installing Locally

  1. Clone the repo

    git clone
  2. Install NPM packages

    npm install
  3. Build the files into the output directory /dist

    npm run build

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Developing in Watch Mode

Developing new components from within this repository is different than the average workflows. It is a frontend component library that doesn't have a UI of it's own. To work through this, there is a very basic react app that is hosted from inside the component library called demo. This react app imports ride-ui-kit and is pointed at the bundled files of the component library, or/dist. The same files version will be imported by other projects. To run this project locally for development with hot reloading effects follow these steps:

  1. In the terminal, go to the root of ride-ui-kit and run the command npm run watch. This sets up an event listener that watches for changes within the /src directory that automatically rebundles the library.

  2. Then set up a new project terminal window and from the root enter the demo react app (ex: cd demo) and run the command npm run start to start the react app and go to localhost:3000.

  3. from within demo you can use app.tsx to render and test components as if they were in a live react project.

Alternative: It is possible to develop the library local within a Ride Report React Repo (scooter-map-frontend or the ODP). from the ride-ui-kit root, run npm link in the terminal. Then in the front end project that imports the library run npm link ride-ui-kit.

Now every time you make changes from within the component library it should be automatically rebundled and reflected in the demo app.

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For more examples, please refer to the Documentation

Shipping Changes (to be discovered)

After changes have shipped to ride-ui-kit. All react repositories that consume and rely on the the component library need to be updated with the latest version. To update to the most recent version on the component library run:

command to update version number npm version patch

comand to update package npm update ride-ui-kit

Deploying to Github Pages

Git Subtrees are used to set the root folder for github pages to the subdirectory demo app. It then uses the /build of demo as the source to run and execute in the browser.

make sure you build and push the react demo app, Then to update the github page run this in the root terminal.

git push origin `git subtree split --prefix demo/build`:gh-pages --force

*Eventually this step will be scripted.

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Frontend shared component library






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