Generate pretty screenshots of code without leaving the safe space of your terminal
- Neovim - preferably 0.8.3
- carbon-now (You can get it from here)
- Take screenshot of the current file (buffer yea ik) and copy it to your clipboard with :SS
- Take screenshot of the current highlighted text and copy it to your clipboard with :SSText
- Only inlcude the options you want to change in the setup function
- Both clipboard and save_screenshot can not be true as carbon-now does not support it
-- Save to clipboard or not: Boolean
clipboard = false,
-- Save the screen shot or not: Boolean
save_screenshot = true,
-- Save directory for the screnshot: String
save_dir = "/Users/raeeinbagheri/Desktop/"
With packer (Have to restart neovim after installing):
use 'Raeein/screenshot.nvim'