Implementation of Cards Against Humanity to use JavaScript.
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I had to dive in and write awful code, to be able to then regret it. Only then could I make the next learning step. Significant C++ then C# experience is not always the best thing; Javascript was, no: is, challenging because of its syntatactical simalarity to those two. This project is the shit javascript code I had to write to regret; I've learnt a lot only because of it. And while it's shit code, it's also a fun game. ✨🌟
Cards collated by the magnificent Pileot from #
This uses the amazing HashMap by Flesler, please get the latest version from
-I didn't make Cards Against Humanity
-I didn't even invent this format of the game, I copied it off a friend. Thanks Tony. -All I did was some CSS annimations and furious JavaScript
-node 4.2.3 and execute server.js
- OR
-handy run.bat for Windows
-connect to localhost:8080