- Log into the Google Play store and create an app
- Enter default language
- Create the store listing
- Title: PubMoji
- Short Description: Show off how you're feeling wherever you’re at!
- Full Description: Ever wonder what is happening around the globe? Show off where you’re located and how you're feeling with PubMoji! Our app uses PubNub to publish your messages, emojis, and location in under a quarter of a second. Stop sending location in Stealth Mode and change your profile picture and username easily. Spam the emojis and watch them fly from your icon in realtime!
- Images:
- Select app category:
- Contact details:
- Privacy Policy:
- Content Rating Questionaire
- Fill it out
- Pricing and Distribution:
- Get app ready for testing
- Manage APK
- Our APK is ~35mb total right now, which fits the requirement for any APK level
- Sign app certificates
- Manage APK version
- Target API level, min 28, or Android 9.0