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QForum-MaterialTheme is the Official Front-end Theme of QForum.
This theme needs to be used with QForum-Core.
Install QForum-Core.
Modify BASE_URL in /js/util/NetWorkUtil_v2.js to the address where QForum-Core is installed, and THEME_URL to the address where this theme is installed.
Optional content:
Modify the forum name in /common/appbar.html
Add pseudo-static (implement /thread/TIDXXX and /board/BIDXXX),and modify PSEUDO_STATIC_CONFIGURED in /js/App_v2.js to true
# Nginx # QForum-START location ~ "^/thread/TID(.*)$" { try_files $uri /thread/?id=$1; } location ~ "^/board/BID(.*)$" { try_files $uri /board/?boardId=$1; } # QForum-END
- Use Material Design language.
- Use the lightweight CSS framework MDUI to load extremely fast.