No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator
This C# SDK is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: 1.0.0
- SDK version: 1.0.0
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.CSharpClientCodegen For more information, please visit
- .NET 4.0 or later
- Windows Phone 7.1 (Mango)
- RestSharp - 105.1.0 or later
- Json.NET - 7.0.0 or later
- JsonSubTypes - 1.2.0 or later
The DLLs included in the package may not be the latest version. We recommend using NuGet to obtain the latest version of the packages:
Install-Package RestSharp
Install-Package Newtonsoft.Json
Install-Package JsonSubTypes
NOTE: RestSharp versions greater than 105.1.0 have a bug which causes file uploads to fail. See RestSharp#742
Run the following command to generate the DLL
- [Mac/Linux]
- [Windows]
Then include the DLL (under the bin
folder) in the C# project, and use the namespaces:
using ProcessMakerSDK.Api;
using ProcessMakerSDK.Client;
using ProcessMakerSDK.Model;
A .nuspec
is included with the project. You can follow the Nuget quickstart to create and publish packages.
This .nuspec
uses placeholders from the .csproj
, so build the .csproj
nuget pack -Build -OutputDirectory out ProcessMakerSDK.csproj
Then, publish to a local feed or other host and consume the new package via Nuget as usual.
using System.Diagnostics;
using ProcessMakerSDK.Api;
using ProcessMakerSDK.Client;
using ProcessMakerSDK.Model;
namespace Example
public class Example
public static void Main()
Configuration.Default.BasePath = "http://localhost/api/1.0";
// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: pm_api_auth_code
Configuration.Default.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";
// Configure API key authorization: pm_api_key
Configuration.Default.ApiKey.Add("Authorization", "YOUR_API_KEY");
// Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
// Configuration.Default.ApiKeyPrefix.Add("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new CommentsApi(Configuration.Default);
var commentsEditable = new CommentsEditable(); // CommentsEditable |
// Save a new comment
Comments result = apiInstance.CreateComments(commentsEditable);
catch (ApiException e)
Debug.Print("Exception when calling CommentsApi.CreateComments: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
All URIs are relative to http://localhost/api/1.0
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
CommentsApi | CreateComments | POST /comments | Save a new comment |
CommentsApi | DeleteComments | DELETE /comments/id | Delete a comments |
CommentsApi | GetCommentById | GET /comments/commentId | Get single comment by ID |
CommentsApi | GetComments | GET /comments | Returns all comments for a given type |
CommentsApi | UpdateComment | PUT /comments/commentId | Update a comment |
EnvironmentVariablesApi | CreateEnvironmentVariables | POST /environment_variables | Save a new environment_variables |
EnvironmentVariablesApi | DeleteEnvironmentVariables | DELETE /environment_variables/{environment_variables_id} | Delete a environment_variables |
EnvironmentVariablesApi | GetEnvironmentVariables | GET /environment_variables | Returns all environmentVariables that the user has access to |
EnvironmentVariablesApi | GetEnvironmentVariablesById | GET /environment_variables/{environment_variables_id} | Get single environment_variables by ID |
EnvironmentVariablesApi | UpdateEnvironmentVariables | PUT /environment_variables/{environment_variables_id} | Update a environment_variables |
FilesApi | CreateFile | POST /requests/{request_id}/files | Save a new media file |
FilesApi | DeleteFile | DELETE /requests/{request_id} | Delete a media file |
FilesApi | GetFiles | GET /requests/{request_id}/files | Returns the list of files associated to a request |
FilesApi | GetFilesById | GET /requests/{request_id}/files/{file_id} | Get a file uploaded to a request |
FilesApi | UpdateFile | PUT /requests/{request_id}/files/{file_id} | Update a media file |
GroupMembersApi | CreateGroupMember | POST /group_members | Save a new group member |
GroupMembersApi | DeleteGroupMember | DELETE /group_members/{group_member_id} | Delete a group member |
GroupMembersApi | GetGroupMemberById | GET /group_members/{group_member_id} | Get single group member by ID |
GroupMembersApi | GetGroupMembers | GET /group_members | Returns all groups for a given member |
GroupMembersApi | GetGroupMembersAvailable | GET /group_members_available | Returns all groups available for a given member |
GroupMembersApi | GetUserMembersAvailable | GET /user_members_available | Returns all users available for a given member |
GroupUsersApi | GetMembers | GET /group_users | Returns all users of a group |
GroupsApi | CreateGroup | POST /groups | Save a new group |
GroupsApi | DeleteGroup | DELETE /groups/{group_id} | Delete a group |
GroupsApi | GetGroupById | GET /groups/{group_id} | Get single group by ID |
GroupsApi | GetGroups | GET /groups | Returns all groups that the user has access to |
GroupsApi | UpdateGroup | PUT /groups/{group_id} | Update a group |
NotificationsApi | CreateNotification | POST /notifications | Save a new notifications |
NotificationsApi | DeleteNotification | DELETE /notifications/notificationId | Delete a notification |
NotificationsApi | GetNotificationById | GET /notifications/notificationId | Get single notification by ID |
NotificationsApi | GetNotifications | GET /notifications | Returns all notifications that the user has access to |
NotificationsApi | ProcessMakerHttpControllersApiNotificationControllerUpdateAsRead | PUT /read_notifications | Mark notifications as read by the user |
NotificationsApi | ProcessMakerHttpControllersApiNotificationControllerUpdateAsReadAll | PUT /read_all_notifications | Mark notifications as read by id and type |
NotificationsApi | UpdateNotification | PUT /notifications/notificationId | Update a notification |
PermissionsApi | ProcessMakerHttpControllersApiPermissionControllerUpdate | PUT /permissions | Update the permissions of an user |
ProcessCategoriesApi | CreateProcessCategory | POST /process_categories | Save a new process Category |
ProcessCategoriesApi | DeleteProcessCategory | DELETE /process_categories/{process_category_id} | Delete a process category |
ProcessCategoriesApi | GetProcessCategories | GET /process_categories | Returns all processes categories that the user has access to |
ProcessCategoriesApi | GetProcessCategoryById | GET /process_categories/{process_category_id} | Get single process category by ID |
ProcessCategoriesApi | UpdateProcessCategory | PUT /process_categories/{process_category_id} | Update a process Category |
ProcessRequestsApi | DeleteProcessRequest | DELETE /requests/{process_request_id} | Delete a process request |
ProcessRequestsApi | GetProcessRequestById | GET /requests/{process_request_id} | Get single process request by ID |
ProcessRequestsApi | GetProcessesRequests | GET /requests | Returns all process Requests that the user has access to |
ProcessRequestsApi | UpdateProcessRequest | PUT /requests/{process_request_id} | Update a process request |
ProcessesApi | AssignmentProcess | POST /processes/{process_id}/import/assignments | Update assignments after import |
ProcessesApi | CreateProcess | POST /processes | Save a new process |
ProcessesApi | DeleteProcess | DELETE /processes/{processId} | Delete a process |
ProcessesApi | ExportProcess | GET /processes/{processId}/export | Export a single process by ID |
ProcessesApi | GetProcessById | GET /processes/{processId} | Get single process by ID |
ProcessesApi | GetProcesses | GET /processes | Returns all processes that the user has access to |
ProcessesApi | ImportProcess | POST /processes/import | Import a new process |
ProcessesApi | RestoreProcess | PUT /processes/{processId}/restore | Restore an inactive process |
ProcessesApi | StartProcesses | GET /start_processes | Returns the list of processes that the user can start |
ProcessesApi | TriggerStartEvent | POST /process_events/{process_id} | Start a new process |
ProcessesApi | UpdateProcess | PUT /processes/{processId} | Update a process |
ScreenCategoriesApi | CreateScreenCategory | POST /screen_categories | Save a new Screen Category |
ScreenCategoriesApi | DeleteScreenCategory | DELETE /screen_categories/screen_category_id | Delete a screen category |
ScreenCategoriesApi | GetScreenCategories | GET /screen_categories | Returns all screens categories that the user has access to |
ScreenCategoriesApi | GetScreenCategoryById | GET /screen_categories/screen_category_id | Get single screen category by ID |
ScreenCategoriesApi | UpdateScreenCategory | PUT /screen_categories/screen_category_id | Update a screen Category |
ScreensApi | CreateScreens | POST /screens | Save a new screens |
ScreensApi | DeleteScreen | DELETE /screens/screensId | Delete a screen |
ScreensApi | DuplicateScript | PUT /screens/screensId/duplicate | duplicate a screen |
ScreensApi | ExportScreen | GET /screens/screensId/export | Export a single screen by ID |
ScreensApi | GetScreens | GET /screens | Returns all screens that the user has access to |
ScreensApi | GetScreensById | GET /screens/screensId | Get single screens by ID |
ScreensApi | ImportScreen | POST /screens/import | Import a new screen |
ScreensApi | UpdateScreen | PUT /screens/screensId | Update a screen |
ScriptsApi | CreateScript | POST /scripts | Save a new script |
ScriptsApi | DeleteScript | DELETE /scripts/scriptsId | Delete a script |
ScriptsApi | DuplicateScreen | PUT /scripts/scriptsId/duplicate | duplicate a script |
ScriptsApi | GetScripts | GET /scripts | Returns all scripts that the user has access to |
ScriptsApi | GetScriptsById | GET /scripts/scriptsId | Get single script by ID |
ScriptsApi | GetScriptsPreview | GET /scripts/{script_id}/preview | Test script code without saving it |
ScriptsApi | UpdateScript | PUT /scripts/scriptsId | Update a script |
TaskAssignmentsApi | CreateTaskAssignments | POST /task_assignments | Save a new task assignments |
TaskAssignmentsApi | UpdateTaskAssignments | PUT /task_assignments/{task_assignments_id} | Update a task assignments |
TasksApi | GetTasks | GET /tasks | Returns all tasks that the user has access to |
TasksApi | UpdateTask | PUT /tasks/{task_id} | Update a task |
UsersApi | CreateUser | POST /users | Save a new users |
UsersApi | DeleteUser | DELETE /users/{user_id} | Delete a user |
UsersApi | GetUserById | GET /users/{user_id} | Get single user by ID |
UsersApi | GetUsers | GET /users | Returns all users |
UsersApi | UpdateUsers | PUT /users/{user_id} | Update a user |
- Model.Comments
- Model.CommentsEditable
- Model.DateTime
- Model.EnvironmentVariables
- Model.EnvironmentVariablesEditable
- Model.GroupMembers
- Model.GroupMembersAllOf
- Model.GroupMembersEditable
- Model.Groups
- Model.GroupsAllOf
- Model.GroupsEditable
- Model.InlineObject
- Model.InlineObject1
- Model.InlineObject2
- Model.InlineObject3
- Model.InlineObject4
- Model.InlineObject5
- Model.InlineObject6
- Model.InlineResponse200
- Model.InlineResponse2001
- Model.InlineResponse20010
- Model.InlineResponse20011
- Model.InlineResponse20012
- Model.InlineResponse20013
- Model.InlineResponse20014
- Model.InlineResponse20015
- Model.InlineResponse20016
- Model.InlineResponse20017
- Model.InlineResponse20018
- Model.InlineResponse20019
- Model.InlineResponse2002
- Model.InlineResponse2003
- Model.InlineResponse2004
- Model.InlineResponse2005
- Model.InlineResponse2006
- Model.InlineResponse2007
- Model.InlineResponse2008
- Model.InlineResponse2009
- Model.Media
- Model.MediaEditable
- Model.Metadata
- Model.Notifications
- Model.NotificationsEditable
- Model.Process
- Model.ProcessAllOf
- Model.ProcessCategory
- Model.ProcessCategoryAllOf
- Model.ProcessCategoryEditable
- Model.ProcessEditable
- Model.ProcessPermissions
- Model.ProcessPermissionsEditable
- Model.ProcessRequest
- Model.ProcessRequestAllOf
- Model.ProcessRequestEditable
- Model.ProcessRequestToken
- Model.ProcessRequestTokenAllOf
- Model.ProcessRequestTokenEditable
- Model.ProcessStartEvents
- Model.ProcessWithStartEvents
- Model.ProcessWithStartEventsAllOf
- Model.ScreenCategory
- Model.ScreenCategoryEditable
- Model.ScreenType
- Model.ScreenTypeEditable
- Model.Screens
- Model.ScreensEditable
- Model.Scripts
- Model.ScriptsEditable
- Model.TaskAssignments
- Model.TaskAssignmentsEditable
- Model.TaskMetadata
- Model.TaskMetadataAllOf
- Model.Users
- Model.UsersAllOf
- Model.UsersEditable
- Type: OAuth
- Flow: accessCode
- Authorization URL: /oauth/authorize
- Scopes: N/A
- Type: HTTP basic authentication
Type: API key
API key parameter name: Authorization
Location: HTTP header