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ProLoser edited this page Sep 14, 2010 · 5 revisions

Fixing the ‘missing org libraries’ glitch when copying the project to your computer

Whenever you copy the project to your computer from someone else, you may get an error showing that the Swing Application Framework libraries are missing, even though they are clearly included in your project. To fix the errors:

  1. Go to your libraries folder and remove both Swing Application Framework libraries from your project
  2. Right-click on the libraries folder and choose ‘Add Libraries’
  3. Re-add the Swing Application Framework – appframework and Swing Application Framework – wing-worker libraries to your project

This should fix the paths to the libraries on your computer and remove the errors.

Locating the email library

The mail library is now included with the project under ‘other files’. Simply right-click on your ‘Libraries’ folder and select ‘Add Jar File’ and choose the mail.jar file from the dialogue prompt from within the project folder

Working with Derby (Java DB)

NOTE: You cannot have two applications running the Derby database simultaneously. This means you cannot run 2 instances of the program OR have the Derby driver in netbeans running while running the application.

  1. Go to the ‘Services’ tab on the left pane in netbeans
  2. Expand ‘Databases’
  3. Right-click ‘Java DB’ and select ’Properties
  4. Set the Database Location path to the project folder
  5. Right-Click ‘Databases" and select ’New Connection’
  6. Change the droplist to ‘Java DB (Network)’ and enter ‘localhost’ for the Host field and ‘internshipsdb’ for the Database field and click okay
  7. Right click on the newly created connection and select ‘Connect’, leave the fields blank and hit ‘Okay’
  8. Expand the connection and expand the App folder
  9. You can view and interact with all the database tables in this manner