OBSplugin.zip - provided this way due to a bug in updater
- Automatic updater
- OBS integration using additional plugin with you can install by dropping contents of OBSPlugin.zip(avaliable above) to your OBS install location.
- Modded bpm tokens: !mBpm!, !mMaxBpm!, !mMinBpm!
- Modded map pp outputs !mSSPP!, !m99PP! etc..
- Map formatting config tab was re-done to both clean code and accommodate for new functionality
- Live map outputs avaliable using OBS plugin:
!300! - current count of 300 hits
!100! - current count of 100 hits
!50! - current count of 50 hits
!miss! - current count of misses
!time! - current position in map in seconds
!combo! - your current combo
!comboMax! - maximum combo you had in current map play
!PpIfMapEndsNow! - predicted pp if map would end right now
!PpIfRestFced! - predicted pp if you would perfect rest of the map
!AccIfRestFced! - accuracy if you would perfect rest of the map
To be able to use these(and only these) you need pattern set to be a memory https://i.imgur.com/2TaQmIF.jpg
- All map formating patterns, regardless of their memory status are avaliable in obs plugin using pattern name prefixed with "SC-" eg. https://i.imgur.com/Zx5b9De.jpg
- SC cache again
- Fix updater nullreference on flaky internet connections
- Fix updater downloading and trying to run OBSplugin.zip (it is now checking only for "StreamCompanion.Setup.exe" and checking downloaded file size after download)