This repository is aimed at sharing links to climate-related resources. Contributions are welcome, so if you see anything missing, please free free to open a pull request (with a guide here if you've never done that before).
Note: this page is meant to be an open list of resources including commercial services, it does not imply that any of the target links is endorsed. Browsing the targetted links is therefore made at your own risk. If you encounter an issue with some of the resources, feel free to open an issue.
For those looking into climate-oriented job boards, check out the following links:
Climate Change AI: job-board dedicated to AI work for climate applications
Probably Good: an impact-oriented job board with a climate change section
80,000 hours: an impact-oriented job board with a climate change section
Country-specific boards:
Dedicated job searching events:
- France
Services to support career transition:
- France:
- Mon Job de Sens: support to career transition
- GaïaConnect: mentoring for people engaging in career transition towards sustainability
If you are a founder, here are some resources for you:
- Climate Collective
- Climate Founder
- Crowd Solve
- ChangeMakerXchange (and the rest of the ChangeMakerXchange resources )
- Impact Hustlers
- One Point Five
Open communities:
- ChangeMakerXChange (with a specific program for climate-oriented work)
- focused on climate action within the tech industry
- ClimateChange AI: a community bringing together AI solutions for climate, network and related training
- Climate Collective : a community of entrepreneurs, investors, non-profits and scientists leveraging digital technology for climate and nature action at scale
- The Resilience Project : a youth-community supporting climate leaders with a focus on mental health
Professional networks (paid services):
- ClimaTalk : youth-targeted resources to navigate climate policy
Global listings of resources:
- Climate Change Data (Github)
- Climate Data Guide
- Open Sustainable Technology: a listing of open-source technologies relating to energy and climate action
- oss4climate: a listing of open-source for climate and energy (which includes all resources below)
- LF Energy's landscape mapping: a mapping of open-source tools for energy and climate applications
- Open Climate Fix: AI and machine learning tools and datasets for clean power grids
- Open Sustainable Technology: mapping of open-source technology for sustainability applications