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020 RuntimeHost

petro edited this page Aug 8, 2013 · 1 revision


Runtime Host is core integration point for scripting run-time infrastructure.

It should be initialized before using any other class from library.

There few ways to initialize runtime host. The simplest is to call:


This will initialize runtime with a default configuration. Note that default configuration for Win32 version is different to Silverlight and CF versions.

There is this overloaded version of Initialize method which allows to use custom configuration:

public static void Initialize(Stream configuration);

Where stream should represent valid Xml configuration file stream. Among configuration options there are few other customizable parts of run time. They are:

  • Binder - used to bind to object's members;
  • Activator - used to create instances of objects. Default activator uses binder to bind to type's constructor;
  • Scope Factory - used to create scopes of given type;
  • Assembly and Type Manager - used to load assemblies, scan them for types, manage and resolve types by given names; Default Assembly managers are different for different platforms.

These components could be customized by custom implementation and assigning the properties of RuntimeHost class:

RuntimeHost.Binder = new DefaultBinder();
RuntimeHost.Activator = new DefaultActivator();
RuntimeHost.ScopeFactory = new ScopeFactory();
RuntimeHost.AssemblyManager = new DefaultAssemblyManager();


Example (Using Script.NET to run the code):

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

using ScriptNET;
using ScriptNET.Runtime;

namespace Test
 public partial class Program
   public static int Main()

    List<int> vals = new List<int>();
    vals.AddRange(new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 });

    Script script = Script.Compile(@"
            rez = 0;
            foreach (number in numbers)
            rez += number;"

    //Adding variable to script's scope
    script.Context.SetItem("numbers", vals); 

    object rez = script.Execute();