Money-Minder is a comprehensive expense tracking application built on the MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js) stack with GraphQL integration and Vite for frontend tooling.
- User authentication and authorization
- Dashboard with expense overview
- Add, edit, and delete expenses
- Categorize expenses
- Generate reports and insights
- Graphical representation of expenses (charts and graphs)
- Node.js with Express
- MongoDB with Mongoose
- Apollo Server for GraphQL
- Passport.js for authentication
- Express-session with MongoDB session store
- Cron for scheduled tasks
- Bcrypt for password hashing
- React.js with Vite
- Apollo Client for GraphQL integration
- React Router for navigation
- Chart.js and react-chartjs-2 for data visualization
- Tailwind CSS for styling
- Framer Motion for animations
- React Hot Toast for notifications
- React Icons for icon components
- ESLint for code linting
- TypeScript for type checking
- Postcss and Autoprefixer for CSS processing
- Clone the repository.
- Install dependencies for both backend and frontend.
- Create a
file in the server directory and add necessary environment variables:
- To start backend
- npm start
- To start the frontend go to frontend directory
- npm run dev
For any inquiries or support, please contact Saurav at [email protected].