Simple compiler for a toy language using llvm framework
- Top down parsing using Bison.
- Strictly typed.
- Compiles to LLVM IR code
- Only two builtin datatypes (int and double).
- Weird syntax.
- No functions yet
- Casting is not allowed.
- variables are mutable by default
- No comments yet
Design a weird syntax.Variables declaration.Variables assignment.Variables initialization.Loops.- Mathematical Expressions.
- Add a builtin print function ex. echo/print.
- Functions.
- Strings are a maybe so far.
set x : int ! //variable declaration example
x @ 12 ! //variable assignment example
set x : int @ 12 ! //variable initialization
loop [12]{ //loop 120 times
x @ = 11!
- flex
- bison
- llvm libraries
- make
git clone
cd whatever/src
#run tests
make test