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Dev new units #1

merged 3 commits into from
Oct 7, 2024
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Adding knot, km/h and nauticMiles
ELePors committed Sep 4, 2024
commit be8e1b59891adef83bd2b296b0384e19e4999781
484 changes: 242 additions & 242 deletions src/Units-Core/

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

240 changes: 120 additions & 120 deletions src/Units-Core/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,120 +1,120 @@
This represents a product of one or more different units.
Class {
#name : #ComplexUnit,
#superclass : #CompoundUnit,
#instVars : [
#category : #'Units-Core'

{ #category : #'instance creation' }
ComplexUnit class >> units: units exponents: exponents [
"if we have just one exponent of size one, the unit itself is enough"
(exponents size = 1 and: [exponents first = 1]) ifTrue: [ ^units first ].
detect: [:each | each isBaseUnit not]
ifNone: [
"All the units are base units ... we can use a CompoundUnit instead to save space."
units: units
exponents: exponents].
^self new
units: units
exponents: exponents

{ #category : #conversion }
ComplexUnit >> baseUnits [
"Since base units are expensive to compute for ComplexUnits, they are cached here."
cachedBaseUnits isNil
ifTrue: [cachedBaseUnits := self calculateBaseUnits].

{ #category : #conversion }
ComplexUnit >> calculateBaseUnits [
| baseUnits unitDictionary newUnits newExponents scratch |
unitDictionary := IdentityDictionary new.
self unitsAndExponentsDo: [:unit :exponent |
baseUnits := unit baseUnits.
baseUnits unitsAndExponentsDo: [:subunit :subexponent |
(unitDictionary includesKey: subunit)
ifFalse: [
at: subunit
put: subexponent * exponent]
ifTrue: [
at: subunit
put: (unitDictionary at: subunit) + (subexponent * exponent)]]].
newUnits := OrderedCollection new.
newExponents := OrderedCollection new.
(unitDictionary keys asSortedCollection: self class sortBlock) do: [:unit |
scratch := unitDictionary at: unit.
scratch isZero ifFalse: [
newUnits add: unit.
newExponents add: scratch]].
units: newUnits
exponents: newExponents

{ #category : #consistency }
ComplexUnit >> consistentWith: unit [
^unit consistentWithComplexUnit: self

{ #category : #consistency }
ComplexUnit >> consistentWithBaseUnit: baseUnit [
"This might be true, since we may be containing non-base units that reduce
to the base unit."
"For example, 'meters * seconds * Hertz' is consistent with 'meters'."
^self baseUnits consistentWith: baseUnit

{ #category : #consistency }
ComplexUnit >> consistentWithComplexUnit: complexUnit [
^self baseUnits consistentWith: complexUnit baseUnits

{ #category : #consistency }
ComplexUnit >> consistentWithCompoundUnit: compoundUnit [
^self baseUnits consistentWith: compoundUnit

{ #category : #consistency }
ComplexUnit >> consistentWithModifiedUnit: modifiedUnit [
"This might be true, since we may be containing non-base units that reduce to the
modified unit."
"For example, 'moles of hydrogen * seconds * Hertz' is consistent with 'moles of
^self baseUnits consistentWith: modifiedUnit

{ #category : #conversion }
ComplexUnit >> conversionFactor [

{ #category : #testing }
ComplexUnit >> isComplexUnit [
^ true

{ #category : #conversion }
ComplexUnit >> prefixedBy: prefixName [
^self error: 'You cannot attach prefixes to complex units.'

{ #category : #initialization }
ComplexUnit >> units: myUnits exponents: myExponents [
super units: myUnits exponents: myExponents.
conversionFactor := 1.
units with: exponents do: [:unit :exponent |
conversionFactor := conversionFactor *
(unit conversionFactor raisedTo: exponent)]
This represents a product of one or more different units.
Class {
#name : #ComplexUnit,
#superclass : #CompoundUnit,
#instVars : [
#category : #'Units-Core'
{ #category : #'instance creation' }
ComplexUnit class >> units: units exponents: exponents [
"if we have just one exponent of size one, the unit itself is enough"
(exponents size = 1 and: [exponents first = 1]) ifTrue: [ ^units first ].
detect: [:each | each isBaseUnit not]
ifNone: [
"All the units are base units ... we can use a CompoundUnit instead to save space."
units: units
exponents: exponents].
^self new
units: units
exponents: exponents
{ #category : #conversion }
ComplexUnit >> baseUnits [
"Since base units are expensive to compute for ComplexUnits, they are cached here."
cachedBaseUnits isNil
ifTrue: [cachedBaseUnits := self calculateBaseUnits].
{ #category : #conversion }
ComplexUnit >> calculateBaseUnits [
| baseUnits unitDictionary newUnits newExponents scratch |
unitDictionary := IdentityDictionary new.
self unitsAndExponentsDo: [:unit :exponent |
baseUnits := unit baseUnits.
baseUnits unitsAndExponentsDo: [:subunit :subexponent |
(unitDictionary includesKey: subunit)
ifFalse: [
at: subunit
put: subexponent * exponent]
ifTrue: [
at: subunit
put: (unitDictionary at: subunit) + (subexponent * exponent)]]].
newUnits := OrderedCollection new.
newExponents := OrderedCollection new.
(unitDictionary keys asSortedCollection: self class sortBlock) do: [:unit |
scratch := unitDictionary at: unit.
scratch isZero ifFalse: [
newUnits add: unit.
newExponents add: scratch]].
units: newUnits
exponents: newExponents
{ #category : #consistency }
ComplexUnit >> consistentWith: unit [
^unit consistentWithComplexUnit: self
{ #category : #consistency }
ComplexUnit >> consistentWithBaseUnit: baseUnit [
"This might be true, since we may be containing non-base units that reduce
to the base unit."
"For example, 'meters * seconds * Hertz' is consistent with 'meters'."
^self baseUnits consistentWith: baseUnit
{ #category : #consistency }
ComplexUnit >> consistentWithComplexUnit: complexUnit [
^self baseUnits consistentWith: complexUnit baseUnits
{ #category : #consistency }
ComplexUnit >> consistentWithCompoundUnit: compoundUnit [
^self baseUnits consistentWith: compoundUnit
{ #category : #consistency }
ComplexUnit >> consistentWithModifiedUnit: modifiedUnit [
"This might be true, since we may be containing non-base units that reduce to the
modified unit."
"For example, 'moles of hydrogen * seconds * Hertz' is consistent with 'moles of
^self baseUnits consistentWith: modifiedUnit
{ #category : #conversion }
ComplexUnit >> conversionFactor [
{ #category : #testing }
ComplexUnit >> isComplexUnit [
^ true
{ #category : #conversion }
ComplexUnit >> prefixedBy: prefixName [
^self error: 'You cannot attach prefixes to complex units.'
{ #category : #initialization }
ComplexUnit >> units: myUnits exponents: myExponents [
super units: myUnits exponents: myExponents.
conversionFactor := 1.
units with: exponents do: [:unit :exponent |
conversionFactor := conversionFactor *
(unit conversionFactor raisedTo: exponent)]
496 changes: 248 additions & 248 deletions src/Units-Core/

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

146 changes: 73 additions & 73 deletions src/Units-Core/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,73 +1,73 @@
This is a definition of a unit in terms of a product of powers of
other units, plus a scalar value associated with the unit.
Example: 1 inch = 2.54 cm
Note that the ""left side"" is always magnitude 1, which corresponds to 1 unit of the DerivedUnit.
Class {
#name : #DerivedUnit,
#superclass : #NamedUnit,
#instVars : [
#category : #'Units-Core'

{ #category : #'instance creation' }
DerivedUnit class >> abbreviation: abbreviation name: unitName pluralName: pluralName value: unitValue [
| unit |
unit := super
abbreviation: abbreviation
name: unitName
pluralName: pluralName.
unit value: unitValue.

{ #category : #conversion }
DerivedUnit >> baseUnits [
^unitValue unit baseUnits

{ #category : #consistency }
DerivedUnit >> consistentWith: unit [
"Short-circuit the double dispatching here."
^unitValue unitPart consistentWith: unit

{ #category : #consistency }
DerivedUnit >> consistentWithBaseUnit: baseUnit [
^baseUnit consistentWith: self unit

{ #category : #consistency }
DerivedUnit >> consistentWithComplexUnit: complexUnit [
^complexUnit consistentWith: self unit

{ #category : #consistency }
DerivedUnit >> consistentWithCompoundUnit: compoundUnit [
^compoundUnit consistentWith: self unit

{ #category : #consistency }
DerivedUnit >> consistentWithModifiedUnit: modifiedUnit [
^modifiedUnit consistentWith: self unit

{ #category : #conversion }
DerivedUnit >> conversionFactor [
^unitValue value * unitValue unit conversionFactor

{ #category : #accessing }
DerivedUnit >> unit [
^unitValue unit

{ #category : #initialization }
DerivedUnit >> value: myUnitValue [
unitValue := myUnitValue
This is a definition of a unit in terms of a product of powers of
other units, plus a scalar value associated with the unit.
Example: 1 inch = 2.54 cm
Note that the ""left side"" is always magnitude 1, which corresponds to 1 unit of the DerivedUnit.
Class {
#name : #DerivedUnit,
#superclass : #NamedUnit,
#instVars : [
#category : #'Units-Core'

{ #category : #'instance creation' }
DerivedUnit class >> abbreviation: abbreviation name: unitName pluralName: pluralName value: unitValue [
| unit |
unit := super
abbreviation: abbreviation
name: unitName
pluralName: pluralName.
unit value: unitValue.

{ #category : #conversion }
DerivedUnit >> baseUnits [
^unitValue unit baseUnits

{ #category : #consistency }
DerivedUnit >> consistentWith: unit [
"Short-circuit the double dispatching here."
^unitValue unitPart consistentWith: unit

{ #category : #consistency }
DerivedUnit >> consistentWithBaseUnit: baseUnit [
^baseUnit consistentWith: self unit

{ #category : #consistency }
DerivedUnit >> consistentWithComplexUnit: complexUnit [
^complexUnit consistentWith: self unit

{ #category : #consistency }
DerivedUnit >> consistentWithCompoundUnit: compoundUnit [
^compoundUnit consistentWith: self unit

{ #category : #consistency }
DerivedUnit >> consistentWithModifiedUnit: modifiedUnit [
^modifiedUnit consistentWith: self unit

{ #category : #conversion }
DerivedUnit >> conversionFactor [
^unitValue value * unitValue unit conversionFactor

{ #category : #accessing }
DerivedUnit >> unit [
^unitValue unit

{ #category : #initialization }
DerivedUnit >> value: myUnitValue [
unitValue := myUnitValue
78 changes: 39 additions & 39 deletions src/Units-Core/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,39 +1,39 @@
An object that passes messages on to a private delegate
Class {
#name : #MessageDelegate,
#superclass : #ProtoObject,
#instVars : [
#category : #'Units-Core'

{ #category : #'instance creation' }
MessageDelegate class >> on: anObject [
"Answer a new instance of the receiver with the given delegate."

^self new privateDelegate: anObject

{ #category : #'system primitives' }
MessageDelegate >> doesNotUnderstand: aMessage [
"Pass on to the delegate."

^self privateDelegate value: aMessage

{ #category : #accessing }
MessageDelegate >> privateDelegate [
"Answer the value of privateDelegate"

^ privateDelegate

{ #category : #accessing }
MessageDelegate >> privateDelegate: anObject [
"Set the value of privateDelegate"

privateDelegate := anObject
An object that passes messages on to a private delegate
Class {
#name : #MessageDelegate,
#superclass : #ProtoObject,
#instVars : [
#category : #'Units-Core'

{ #category : #'instance creation' }
MessageDelegate class >> on: anObject [
"Answer a new instance of the receiver with the given delegate."

^self new privateDelegate: anObject

{ #category : #'system primitives' }
MessageDelegate >> doesNotUnderstand: aMessage [
"Pass on to the delegate."

^self privateDelegate value: aMessage

{ #category : #accessing }
MessageDelegate >> privateDelegate [
"Answer the value of privateDelegate"

^ privateDelegate

{ #category : #accessing }
MessageDelegate >> privateDelegate: anObject [
"Set the value of privateDelegate"

privateDelegate := anObject
240 changes: 120 additions & 120 deletions src/Units-Core/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,120 +1,120 @@
A base unit with an arbitrary modification that makes it incompatible
with anything that does not have the same modification. Works well with domain-specific
'modifications', e.g.,
1.6 moles
can now become:
1.6 moles of sulfuric acid
(""sulfuric acid"" might be a String, or a ChemicalCompound, or whatever.)
Class {
#name : #ModifiedUnit,
#superclass : #Unit,
#instVars : [
#category : #'Units-Core'

{ #category : #'instance creation' }
ModifiedUnit class >> baseUnit: baseUnit modification: modification [
^self new
baseUnit: baseUnit
modification: modification

{ #category : #comparing }
ModifiedUnit >> = anotherUnit [
self class = anotherUnit class ifFalse: [^false].
modification = anotherUnit modification ifFalse: [^false].
^baseUnit = anotherUnit baseUnit

{ #category : #accessing }
ModifiedUnit >> baseUnit [

{ #category : #initialization }
ModifiedUnit >> baseUnit: myBaseUnit modification: myModification [
baseUnit := myBaseUnit.
modification := myModification

{ #category : #conversion }
ModifiedUnit >> baseUnits [

{ #category : #consistency }
ModifiedUnit >> consistentWith: anotherUnit [
^anotherUnit consistentWithModifiedUnit: self

{ #category : #consistency }
ModifiedUnit >> consistentWithBaseUnit: anotherBaseUnit [

{ #category : #consistency }
ModifiedUnit >> consistentWithComplexUnit: complexUnit [
^self consistentWith: complexUnit baseUnits

{ #category : #consistency }
ModifiedUnit >> consistentWithCompoundUnit: compoundUnit [

{ #category : #consistency }
ModifiedUnit >> consistentWithModifiedUnit: modifiedUnit [
self class == modifiedUnit class ifFalse: [^false].
^baseUnit = modifiedUnit baseUnit
and: [modification = modifiedUnit modification]

{ #category : #conversion }
ModifiedUnit >> conversionFactor [
^baseUnit conversionFactor

{ #category : #comparing }
ModifiedUnit >> hash [
^modification hash bitXor: baseUnit hash

{ #category : #predicates }
ModifiedUnit >> isBaseUnit [
"ModifiedUnits are effectively new base units..."

{ #category : #accessing }
ModifiedUnit >> modification [

{ #category : #printing }
ModifiedUnit >> printAbbreviationOn: stream [
baseUnit printAbbreviationOn: stream.
stream nextPut: $(.
modification isString
ifTrue: [stream nextPutAll: modification]
ifFalse: [stream print: modification].
stream nextPut: $)

{ #category : #printing }
ModifiedUnit >> printFullNameOn: stream pluralized: pluralized [
baseUnit printFullNameOn: stream pluralized: pluralized.
stream nextPutAll: ' (of '.
"Can't avoid the #isString, since strings print differently than other objects,
and it is valid to have non-strings as the modification."
modification isString
ifTrue: [stream nextPutAll: modification]
ifFalse: [stream print: modification].
stream nextPut: $)
A base unit with an arbitrary modification that makes it incompatible
with anything that does not have the same modification. Works well with domain-specific
'modifications', e.g.,
1.6 moles
can now become:
1.6 moles of sulfuric acid
(""sulfuric acid"" might be a String, or a ChemicalCompound, or whatever.)
Class {
#name : #ModifiedUnit,
#superclass : #Unit,
#instVars : [
#category : #'Units-Core'

{ #category : #'instance creation' }
ModifiedUnit class >> baseUnit: baseUnit modification: modification [
^self new
baseUnit: baseUnit
modification: modification

{ #category : #comparing }
ModifiedUnit >> = anotherUnit [
self class = anotherUnit class ifFalse: [^false].
modification = anotherUnit modification ifFalse: [^false].
^baseUnit = anotherUnit baseUnit

{ #category : #accessing }
ModifiedUnit >> baseUnit [

{ #category : #initialization }
ModifiedUnit >> baseUnit: myBaseUnit modification: myModification [
baseUnit := myBaseUnit.
modification := myModification

{ #category : #conversion }
ModifiedUnit >> baseUnits [

{ #category : #consistency }
ModifiedUnit >> consistentWith: anotherUnit [
^anotherUnit consistentWithModifiedUnit: self

{ #category : #consistency }
ModifiedUnit >> consistentWithBaseUnit: anotherBaseUnit [

{ #category : #consistency }
ModifiedUnit >> consistentWithComplexUnit: complexUnit [
^self consistentWith: complexUnit baseUnits

{ #category : #consistency }
ModifiedUnit >> consistentWithCompoundUnit: compoundUnit [

{ #category : #consistency }
ModifiedUnit >> consistentWithModifiedUnit: modifiedUnit [
self class == modifiedUnit class ifFalse: [^false].
^baseUnit = modifiedUnit baseUnit
and: [modification = modifiedUnit modification]

{ #category : #conversion }
ModifiedUnit >> conversionFactor [
^baseUnit conversionFactor

{ #category : #comparing }
ModifiedUnit >> hash [
^modification hash bitXor: baseUnit hash

{ #category : #predicates }
ModifiedUnit >> isBaseUnit [
"ModifiedUnits are effectively new base units..."

{ #category : #accessing }
ModifiedUnit >> modification [

{ #category : #printing }
ModifiedUnit >> printAbbreviationOn: stream [
baseUnit printAbbreviationOn: stream.
stream nextPut: $(.
modification isString
ifTrue: [stream nextPutAll: modification]
ifFalse: [stream print: modification].
stream nextPut: $)

{ #category : #printing }
ModifiedUnit >> printFullNameOn: stream pluralized: pluralized [
baseUnit printFullNameOn: stream pluralized: pluralized.
stream nextPutAll: ' (of '.
"Can't avoid the #isString, since strings print differently than other objects,
and it is valid to have non-strings as the modification."
modification isString
ifTrue: [stream nextPutAll: modification]
ifFalse: [stream print: modification].
stream nextPut: $)
664 changes: 332 additions & 332 deletions src/Units-Core/

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

1,314 changes: 681 additions & 633 deletions src/Units-Core/

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

48 changes: 24 additions & 24 deletions src/Units-Core/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
Extension { #name : #Point }

{ #category : #'*Units-Core' }
Point >> as [
"Answer a delegate on the receiver #as: to handle the next message."

^MessageDelegate on: [:m | self as: m selector]

{ #category : #'*Units-Core' }
Point >> as: anotherUnit [
"Convert the receiver to have the same units as 'anotherUnit'. Apply any appropriate
scaling factors. Gives an error if the receiver's x and y are not consistent with 'anotherUnit'."

^(self x as: anotherUnit) @ (self y as: anotherUnit)

{ #category : #'*Units-Core' }
Point >> value [
"Answer a new point with the x and y being the respective
values of the receiver's ordinates."

^self x value @ self y value
Extension { #name : #Point }

{ #category : #'*Units-Core' }
Point >> as [
"Answer a delegate on the receiver #as: to handle the next message."

^MessageDelegate on: [:m | self as: m selector]

{ #category : #'*Units-Core' }
Point >> as: anotherUnit [
"Convert the receiver to have the same units as 'anotherUnit'. Apply any appropriate
scaling factors. Gives an error if the receiver's x and y are not consistent with 'anotherUnit'."

^(self x as: anotherUnit) @ (self y as: anotherUnit)

{ #category : #'*Units-Core' }
Point >> value [
"Answer a new point with the x and y being the respective
values of the receiver's ordinates."

^self x value @ self y value
182 changes: 91 additions & 91 deletions src/Units-Core/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,91 +1,91 @@
This is a unit with an SI prefix attached.
See class SIPrefix for details.
Class {
#name : #PrefixedUnit,
#superclass : #Unit,
#instVars : [
#category : #'Units-Core'

{ #category : #'instance creation' }
PrefixedUnit class >> prefix: prefix unit: unit [
^self new prefix: prefix unit: unit

{ #category : #'instance creation' }
PrefixedUnit class >> prefixName: prefixName unit: unit [
| prefix |
prefix := SIPrefix named: prefixName.
^self prefix: prefix unit: unit

{ #category : #comparing }
PrefixedUnit >> = anotherUnit [
self class == anotherUnit class ifFalse: [^false].
^prefix = anotherUnit prefix and: [unit = anotherUnit unit]

{ #category : #conversion }
PrefixedUnit >> baseUnits [
^unit baseUnits

{ #category : #consistency }
PrefixedUnit >> consistentWith: anotherUnit [
"Short-circuit the double dispatching; just compare the actual unit."
^anotherUnit consistentWith: unit

{ #category : #consistency }
PrefixedUnit >> consistentWithAnything: anotherUnit [
^unit consistentWith: anotherUnit

{ #category : #conversion }
PrefixedUnit >> conversionFactor [
^prefix scalingFactor * unit conversionFactor

{ #category : #comparing }
PrefixedUnit >> hash [
^prefix hash bitXor: unit hash

{ #category : #accessing }
PrefixedUnit >> prefix [

{ #category : #initialization }
PrefixedUnit >> prefix: myPrefix unit: myUnit [
prefix := myPrefix.
unit := myUnit

{ #category : #conversion }
PrefixedUnit >> prefixedBy: prefixName [
^self error: 'This unit already has a prefix.'

{ #category : #printing }
PrefixedUnit >> printAbbreviationOn: stream [
stream nextPutAll: prefix abbreviation.
unit printAbbreviationOn: stream

{ #category : #printing }
PrefixedUnit >> printFullNameOn: stream pluralized: pluralized [
stream nextPutAll: prefix name.
unit printFullNameOn: stream pluralized: pluralized

{ #category : #accessing }
PrefixedUnit >> unit [
This is a unit with an SI prefix attached.
See class SIPrefix for details.
Class {
#name : #PrefixedUnit,
#superclass : #Unit,
#instVars : [
#category : #'Units-Core'

{ #category : #'instance creation' }
PrefixedUnit class >> prefix: prefix unit: unit [
^self new prefix: prefix unit: unit

{ #category : #'instance creation' }
PrefixedUnit class >> prefixName: prefixName unit: unit [
| prefix |
prefix := SIPrefix named: prefixName.
^self prefix: prefix unit: unit

{ #category : #comparing }
PrefixedUnit >> = anotherUnit [
self class == anotherUnit class ifFalse: [^false].
^prefix = anotherUnit prefix and: [unit = anotherUnit unit]

{ #category : #conversion }
PrefixedUnit >> baseUnits [
^unit baseUnits

{ #category : #consistency }
PrefixedUnit >> consistentWith: anotherUnit [
"Short-circuit the double dispatching; just compare the actual unit."
^anotherUnit consistentWith: unit

{ #category : #consistency }
PrefixedUnit >> consistentWithAnything: anotherUnit [
^unit consistentWith: anotherUnit

{ #category : #conversion }
PrefixedUnit >> conversionFactor [
^prefix scalingFactor * unit conversionFactor

{ #category : #comparing }
PrefixedUnit >> hash [
^prefix hash bitXor: unit hash

{ #category : #accessing }
PrefixedUnit >> prefix [

{ #category : #initialization }
PrefixedUnit >> prefix: myPrefix unit: myUnit [
prefix := myPrefix.
unit := myUnit

{ #category : #conversion }
PrefixedUnit >> prefixedBy: prefixName [
^self error: 'This unit already has a prefix.'

{ #category : #printing }
PrefixedUnit >> printAbbreviationOn: stream [
stream nextPutAll: prefix abbreviation.
unit printAbbreviationOn: stream

{ #category : #printing }
PrefixedUnit >> printFullNameOn: stream pluralized: pluralized [
stream nextPutAll: prefix name.
unit printFullNameOn: stream pluralized: pluralized

{ #category : #accessing }
PrefixedUnit >> unit [
244 changes: 122 additions & 122 deletions src/Units-Core/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,122 +1,122 @@
SIPrefix represents a power of 10 attached to a unit.
Examples: milli, micro, kilo, etc.
Class {
#name : #SIPrefix,
#superclass : #Object,
#instVars : [
#classVars : [
#category : #'Units-Core'

{ #category : #initialization }
SIPrefix class >> abbreviation: abbreviation name: prefixName scalingFactor: scalingFactor [
| prefix |
prefix := self new
abbreviation: abbreviation
name: prefixName
scalingFactor: scalingFactor.
SIPrefixesByAbbreviation at: abbreviation put: prefix.
SIPrefixesByName at: prefixName put: prefix.

{ #category : #initialization }
SIPrefix class >> initializeClass [
"SIPrefix initializeClass."
"Do not rename this to #initialize."
SIPrefixesByName := Dictionary new.
SIPrefixesByAbbreviation := Dictionary new.
self abbreviation: 'y' name: 'yocto' scalingFactor: (10 raisedTo: -24).
self abbreviation: 'z' name: 'zepto' scalingFactor: (10 raisedTo: -21).
self abbreviation: 'a' name: 'atto' scalingFactor: (10 raisedTo: -18).
self abbreviation: 'f' name: 'femto' scalingFactor: (10 raisedTo: -15).
self abbreviation: 'p' name: 'pico' scalingFactor: (10 raisedTo: -12).
self abbreviation: 'n' name: 'nano' scalingFactor: (10 raisedTo: -9).
self abbreviation: 'u' name: 'micro' scalingFactor: (10 raisedTo: -6).
self abbreviation: 'm' name: 'milli' scalingFactor: (10 raisedTo: -3).
self abbreviation: 'c' name: 'centi' scalingFactor: (10 raisedTo: -2).
self abbreviation: 'd' name: 'deci' scalingFactor: (10 raisedTo: -1).
self abbreviation: 'da' name: 'deka' scalingFactor: (10 raisedTo: 1).
self abbreviation: 'h' name: 'hecto' scalingFactor: (10 raisedTo: 2).
self abbreviation: 'k' name: 'kilo' scalingFactor: (10 raisedTo: 3).
self abbreviation: 'M' name: 'mega' scalingFactor: (10 raisedTo: 6).
self abbreviation: 'G' name: 'giga' scalingFactor: (10 raisedTo: 9).
self abbreviation: 'T' name: 'tera' scalingFactor: (10 raisedTo: 12).
self abbreviation: 'P' name: 'peta' scalingFactor: (10 raisedTo: 15).
self abbreviation: 'E' name: 'exa' scalingFactor: (10 raisedTo: 18).
self abbreviation: 'Z' name: 'zetta' scalingFactor: (10 raisedTo: 21).
self abbreviation: 'Y' name: 'yotta' scalingFactor: (10 raisedTo: 24)

{ #category : #accessing }
SIPrefix class >> named: prefixName [
^SIPrefixesByName at: prefixName

{ #category : #enumerating }
SIPrefix class >> prefixAbbreviationsDo: block [
"Evaluate 'block' once with each prefix abbreviation, in no particular order."
SIPrefixesByAbbreviation keysDo: block

{ #category : #enumerating }
SIPrefix class >> prefixStringsDo: block [
"Evaluate 'block' once with each prefix string, in no particular order."
SIPrefixesByName keysDo: block

{ #category : #accessing }
SIPrefix class >> withAbbreviation: abbreviation [
^SIPrefixesByAbbreviation at: abbreviation

{ #category : #accessing }
SIPrefix >> abbreviation [

{ #category : #initialization }
SIPrefix >> abbreviation: myAbbreviation name: myName scalingFactor: myScalingFactor [
abbreviation := myAbbreviation.
name := myName.
scalingFactor := myScalingFactor

{ #category : #accessing }
SIPrefix >> name [

{ #category : #printing }
SIPrefix >> printOn: stream [
super printOn: stream.
nextPutAll: ' [';
nextPutAll: name;
nextPut: $]

{ #category : #accessing }
SIPrefix >> scalingFactor [

{ #category : #printing }
SIPrefix >> storeOn: aStream [
"Store the code to lookup the receiver instead of for a new instance."

nextPutAll: '(SIPrefix named: ''';
nextPutAll: name;
nextPutAll: ''')'
SIPrefix represents a power of 10 attached to a unit.
Examples: milli, micro, kilo, etc.
Class {
#name : #SIPrefix,
#superclass : #Object,
#instVars : [
#classVars : [
#category : #'Units-Core'

{ #category : #initialization }
SIPrefix class >> abbreviation: abbreviation name: prefixName scalingFactor: scalingFactor [
| prefix |
prefix := self new
abbreviation: abbreviation
name: prefixName
scalingFactor: scalingFactor.
SIPrefixesByAbbreviation at: abbreviation put: prefix.
SIPrefixesByName at: prefixName put: prefix.

{ #category : #initialization }
SIPrefix class >> initializeClass [
"SIPrefix initializeClass."
"Do not rename this to #initialize."
SIPrefixesByName := Dictionary new.
SIPrefixesByAbbreviation := Dictionary new.
self abbreviation: 'y' name: 'yocto' scalingFactor: (10 raisedTo: -24).
self abbreviation: 'z' name: 'zepto' scalingFactor: (10 raisedTo: -21).
self abbreviation: 'a' name: 'atto' scalingFactor: (10 raisedTo: -18).
self abbreviation: 'f' name: 'femto' scalingFactor: (10 raisedTo: -15).
self abbreviation: 'p' name: 'pico' scalingFactor: (10 raisedTo: -12).
self abbreviation: 'n' name: 'nano' scalingFactor: (10 raisedTo: -9).
self abbreviation: 'u' name: 'micro' scalingFactor: (10 raisedTo: -6).
self abbreviation: 'm' name: 'milli' scalingFactor: (10 raisedTo: -3).
self abbreviation: 'c' name: 'centi' scalingFactor: (10 raisedTo: -2).
self abbreviation: 'd' name: 'deci' scalingFactor: (10 raisedTo: -1).
self abbreviation: 'da' name: 'deka' scalingFactor: (10 raisedTo: 1).
self abbreviation: 'h' name: 'hecto' scalingFactor: (10 raisedTo: 2).
self abbreviation: 'k' name: 'kilo' scalingFactor: (10 raisedTo: 3).
self abbreviation: 'M' name: 'mega' scalingFactor: (10 raisedTo: 6).
self abbreviation: 'G' name: 'giga' scalingFactor: (10 raisedTo: 9).
self abbreviation: 'T' name: 'tera' scalingFactor: (10 raisedTo: 12).
self abbreviation: 'P' name: 'peta' scalingFactor: (10 raisedTo: 15).
self abbreviation: 'E' name: 'exa' scalingFactor: (10 raisedTo: 18).
self abbreviation: 'Z' name: 'zetta' scalingFactor: (10 raisedTo: 21).
self abbreviation: 'Y' name: 'yotta' scalingFactor: (10 raisedTo: 24)

{ #category : #accessing }
SIPrefix class >> named: prefixName [
^SIPrefixesByName at: prefixName

{ #category : #enumerating }
SIPrefix class >> prefixAbbreviationsDo: block [
"Evaluate 'block' once with each prefix abbreviation, in no particular order."
SIPrefixesByAbbreviation keysDo: block

{ #category : #enumerating }
SIPrefix class >> prefixStringsDo: block [
"Evaluate 'block' once with each prefix string, in no particular order."
SIPrefixesByName keysDo: block

{ #category : #accessing }
SIPrefix class >> withAbbreviation: abbreviation [
^SIPrefixesByAbbreviation at: abbreviation

{ #category : #accessing }
SIPrefix >> abbreviation [

{ #category : #initialization }
SIPrefix >> abbreviation: myAbbreviation name: myName scalingFactor: myScalingFactor [
abbreviation := myAbbreviation.
name := myName.
scalingFactor := myScalingFactor

{ #category : #accessing }
SIPrefix >> name [

{ #category : #printing }
SIPrefix >> printOn: stream [
super printOn: stream.
nextPutAll: ' [';
nextPutAll: name;
nextPut: $]

{ #category : #accessing }
SIPrefix >> scalingFactor [

{ #category : #printing }
SIPrefix >> storeOn: aStream [
"Store the code to lookup the receiver instead of for a new instance."

nextPutAll: '(SIPrefix named: ''';
nextPutAll: name;
nextPutAll: ''')'
40 changes: 20 additions & 20 deletions src/Units-Core/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
Extension { #name : #String }

{ #category : #'*Units-Core' }
String >> asUnit [
"Answer the receiver as a unit."

^UnitValue unitFor: self asSymbol

{ #category : #'*Units-Core' }
String >> asUnitValue [
"Answer the receiver as a unit value."

|n p i|
n := self asNumber.
i := self findString: (p := n printString).
i = 0 ifTrue: [^nil].
^n units: (self allButFirst: p size) withBlanksTrimmed asUnit

Extension { #name : #String }

{ #category : #'*Units-Core' }
String >> asUnit [
"Answer the receiver as a unit."

^UnitValue unitFor: self asSymbol

{ #category : #'*Units-Core' }
String >> asUnitValue [
"Answer the receiver as a unit value."

|n p i|
n := self asNumber.
i := self findString: (p := n printString).
i = 0 ifTrue: [^nil].
^n units: (self allButFirst: p size) withBlanksTrimmed asUnit

48 changes: 24 additions & 24 deletions src/Units-Core/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
Temperature units are different because they require
a general linear transformation for basic arithmetic operations.
Class {
#name : #TemperatureBaseUnit,
#superclass : #BaseUnit,
#category : #'Units-Core'

{ #category : #predicates }
TemperatureBaseUnit >> isZeroAsValue: value [

{ #category : #conversion }
TemperatureBaseUnit >> uncheckedConvertFrom: anotherUnitValue [
| newValue |
newValue :=
(anotherUnitValue value - anotherUnitValue unitPart additiveFactor) *
(anotherUnitValue unit conversionFactorTo: self).
^UnitValue unit: self value: newValue
Temperature units are different because they require
a general linear transformation for basic arithmetic operations.
Class {
#name : #TemperatureBaseUnit,
#superclass : #BaseUnit,
#category : #'Units-Core'

{ #category : #predicates }
TemperatureBaseUnit >> isZeroAsValue: value [

{ #category : #conversion }
TemperatureBaseUnit >> uncheckedConvertFrom: anotherUnitValue [
| newValue |
newValue :=
(anotherUnitValue value - anotherUnitValue unitPart additiveFactor) *
(anotherUnitValue unit conversionFactorTo: self).
^UnitValue unit: self value: newValue
120 changes: 60 additions & 60 deletions src/Units-Core/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
A temperature needs an additional ""additive factor"" to handle,
e.g., Celsius to Fahrenheit.
Class {
#name : #TemperatureUnit,
#superclass : #DerivedUnit,
#instVars : [
#category : #'Units-Core'

{ #category : #'instance creation' }
TemperatureUnit class >> abbreviation: abbreviation
name: unitName
pluralName: pluralName
value: unitValue
additiveFactor: additiveFactor [
| unit |
unit := super
abbreviation: abbreviation
name: unitName
pluralName: pluralName
value: unitValue.
unit additiveFactor: additiveFactor.

{ #category : #accessing }
TemperatureUnit >> additiveFactor [

{ #category : #initialization }
TemperatureUnit >> additiveFactor: myAdditiveFactor [
additiveFactor := myAdditiveFactor

{ #category : #predicates }
TemperatureUnit >> isZeroAsValue: value [


{ #category : #conversion }
TemperatureUnit >> uncheckedConvertFrom: anotherUnitValue [
| kelvin newValue |
^anotherUnitValue unit isBaseUnit
ifTrue: [
newValue :=
(anotherUnitValue value /
(self conversionFactorTo: anotherUnitValue unit)) + additiveFactor.
unit: self
value: newValue]
ifFalse: [
kelvin := anotherUnitValue uncheckedConvertTo: Unit kelvin.
kelvin convertTo: self]
A temperature needs an additional ""additive factor"" to handle,
e.g., Celsius to Fahrenheit.
Class {
#name : #TemperatureUnit,
#superclass : #DerivedUnit,
#instVars : [
#category : #'Units-Core'

{ #category : #'instance creation' }
TemperatureUnit class >> abbreviation: abbreviation
name: unitName
pluralName: pluralName
value: unitValue
additiveFactor: additiveFactor [
| unit |
unit := super
abbreviation: abbreviation
name: unitName
pluralName: pluralName
value: unitValue.
unit additiveFactor: additiveFactor.

{ #category : #accessing }
TemperatureUnit >> additiveFactor [

{ #category : #initialization }
TemperatureUnit >> additiveFactor: myAdditiveFactor [
additiveFactor := myAdditiveFactor

{ #category : #predicates }
TemperatureUnit >> isZeroAsValue: value [


{ #category : #conversion }
TemperatureUnit >> uncheckedConvertFrom: anotherUnitValue [
| kelvin newValue |
^anotherUnitValue unit isBaseUnit
ifTrue: [
newValue :=
(anotherUnitValue value /
(self conversionFactorTo: anotherUnitValue unit)) + additiveFactor.
unit: self
value: newValue]
ifFalse: [
kelvin := anotherUnitValue uncheckedConvertTo: Unit kelvin.
kelvin convertTo: self]
2,532 changes: 1,284 additions & 1,248 deletions src/Units-Core/

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

864 changes: 432 additions & 432 deletions src/Units-Core/

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Units-Core/
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@@ -1 +1 @@
Package { #name : #'Units-Core' }
Package { #name : #'Units-Core' }