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OliBomby committed Mar 29, 2021
0 parents commit e134b51
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Showing 18 changed files with 1,183 additions and 0 deletions.
16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
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# Virtual env files

# Project files

# Test images
!images/image pepega.png

# Output code
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# Image to Anchors
Tool for converting images to slider anchors for view in the osu! editor.

## Usage
To use, install the libraries from requirements.txt, open, input the path to your image and run it.
The .osu code of the slider will be in output.txt

For animations use Input the path to the folder with all the images and give it the
start time and frame duration in milliseconds for timing the frames. Multiple slidercodes will be generated in output.txt

## Config
You can tweak how the conversion works by editing the config files or reading a different config file.

The file config.ini has settings for (what I think) the best quality image in the editor and
it's meant to be viewed at 800x504 custom resolution (which you can set by manually editing your osu! config file).

The file config2.ini has settings for a decent result which can be viewed at 1080p and most other resolutions.

### Explanation of all config settings
- PIXEL_SPACING: The distance between every anchor in osu! pixels.
- ROTATE: To adjust some offsets and rotate the bounding box, so the result looks good after rotating it 90 degrees.
- LAYER_2_OFFSET: To offset the second layer by 4 osu! pixels which results in a seamingly higher resolution in the result.
- BRIGHT_BG: To make the result look better on bright backgrounds by adding some white anchors to hide red anchors outside the bounds of the image.
- E_MODE: To generate the anchors in an E pattern instead of the usual back-and-forth lines. Might look better on some edges.
- VERBOSE: To print extra debug information.
- SLIDER_MAX_WIDTH: Maximum width in osu! pixels for the result.
- SLIDER_MAX_HEIGHT: Maximum height in osu! pixels for the result.

### Colour programming
There are two anchor layers and for both layers you can define entirely in
the config file how to generate anchors for each luminosity level.

The luminosity ranges from 0 to 255.
You configure the anchors by adding key-value pairs in the [Layer 1] or [Layer 2] categories.
The key is the luminosity level and the value is a string of 'R' 'W' and '\_' which defines a pattern of anchors.
'R' adds a red anchor, 'W' adds a white anchor, and '\_' moves one osu! pixel further.

For example "0: RR_RR_RR_RR_RR_RR_RR" generates 7 double stacked red anchors 1 pixel apart for any luminosity from 0 to the next.
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import algorithms
import bounds

class Graph_TSP:
# Nodes should be a dictionary of key value pairing : node num to xy coordinates
# Edges are implied in the adjacency matrix
# Adjacency matrix will be n x n; where n is the number of nodes
def __init__(self, nodeDict, adjMatrix, instanceName, solution):
self.nodeDict = nodeDict
self.adjMatrix = adjMatrix
self.counts = len(nodeDict)
self.edgeDict = {}
self.instanceName = instanceName
self.solution = solution
for i in range(self.counts):
if self.counts > 1:
for j in range(i + 1, self.counts):
vertices = (i, j)
self.edgeDict[vertices] = self.adjMatrix[i, j]
self.Bounds = bounds.Bounds(self.nodeDict, self.adjMatrix) = algorithms.Algorithms(self.nodeDict, self.adjMatrix, self.counts, self.edgeDict)

def HKLowerBoundCost(self):
return self.Bounds.calculateHKLB()

def oneTreeBound(self):
return self.Bounds.calculateOTB(self.adjMatrix)[0]

def upperBound(self):
return self.Bounds.calculateMSTUpperBound()

def randomSolution(self):

def nearestNeighbor(self):

def greedy(self):

def convexhullInsert(self):

def christofides(self):

def cost(self, path):
counter = 0
for edge in path:
checkEdge = edge
if (checkEdge not in self.edgeDict):
checkEdge = (edge[1], edge[0])
counter += self.edgeDict[checkEdge]
return counter
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import random
import operator
import numpy as np
import disjoint_sets as DS
from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull
from scipy.sparse.csgraph import minimum_spanning_tree
import networkx.algorithms as naa
import networkx as nx

class Algorithms:
def __init__(self, nodeDict, adjMatrix, counts, edgeDict):
self.nodeDict = nodeDict
self.adjMatrix = adjMatrix
self.counts = counts
self.edgeDict = edgeDict

# Random solution formed by shuffling nodes
# Meant to provide bad solutions
def random(self):
unvisitedNodes = [i for i in range(0, self.counts)]
edgePath = []
for i in range(0, len(unvisitedNodes)):
if i < self.counts - 1:
edgePath.append((unvisitedNodes[i], unvisitedNodes[i + 1]))
edgePath.append((unvisitedNodes[i], unvisitedNodes[0]))
return self.listConverter(edgePath)

Input: counts (an integer that describes the number of nodes in your adjacency matrix)
adjMatrix (counts x counts adjacency Matrix that has edge lengths)
Output: edgePath (list of edges that is the nearest neighbor algorithm's solution)
3. Based on the minimum edge weight, find the index of that weight in the original matrix.
4. If that index is NOT in the visitedNodes, remove it from the unvistedNodes list and add it
to the visitedNodes.
5. Else, remove the minIndex from the edges array and start over from step 2.
6. Once you remove all the elements of unvisitedNode, terminate and return the sequence of
vertices you will follow.

def nn(self):
# Initialize visitedNodes to ensure no cycle is created
visitedNodes = []
edgePath = []
# unvisitedNodes: list of unvisited nodes
unvisitedNodes = [i for i in range(0, self.counts)]
# Pick a random node to visit
node = unvisitedNodes.pop()
while unvisitedNodes:
# Select current node's closest neighbor (minimum edge weight)
edges = np.copy(self.adjMatrix[node])
sortedIndices = np.argsort(edges)
for index in sortedIndices:
if index not in visitedNodes:
minIndex = index
node = minIndex
for i in range(0, self.counts):
if i < self.counts - 1:
edgePath.append((visitedNodes[i], visitedNodes[i + 1]))
edgePath.append((visitedNodes[i], visitedNodes[0]))
return edgePath

Greedy Search
1. Sort the edges by weight values.
2. Select the least-valued edge.
3. Make sure it does not form a cycle if added. I do this by checking if both vertices are in
visitedNodes. This is accomplished with a small helper function isCycle.
4. Check also if the two nodes have less than degree 2.
5. If both constraints apply, add 1 to each degree and also change visitedNodes. Make sure to
remove the edge that we added.
6. Start from the next least-value again and check each to make sure no cycle is formed and all degrees
are less than 2.

def g(self):
allNodes = []
edgePath = []
for node in range(0, self.counts):
sorted_edges = sorted(self.edgeDict.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))
degreeDict = {element: 0 for element in allNodes}
numEdges = 0
startNode = allNodes[sorted_edges[0][0][0]]
while numEdges < self.counts - 1:
for edge in sorted_edges:
vertices = edge[0]
ds1 = allNodes[vertices[0]]
ds2 = allNodes[vertices[1]]
if not (self.isCycle(ds1, ds2)) and self.nodeLessTwo(ds1, ds2, degreeDict):
degreeDict[ds1] += 1
degreeDict[ds2] += 1
numEdges += 1
lastTwo = [allNodes.index(x) for x in degreeDict.keys() if degreeDict[x] == 1]
edgePath.append((lastTwo[0], lastTwo[1]))
return edgePath

def isCycle(self, ds1, ds2):
return ds1.find() == ds2.find()

def nodeLessTwo(self, d1, d2, degreeDict):
return (degreeDict[d1] < 2) and (degreeDict[d2] < 2)

Convex Hull Insertion
1. Form a convex hull of our current graph. This forms our initial cycle.
2. For each node not in our current convex hull, find an edge e_ij = {n_i, n_j} in our current convex hull such that w_i,r + w_r,j - w_i,j
is minimal and keep track of this minimal triplet.
3. For all triplets, find the minimal triplet (n_i', n_j',n_r') such that (w_i,r' + w_r,j')/ w_i,j' is minimal.
4. Insert n_r' between n_i' and n_j' by adding the edges e_r,i & e_r,j while removing edge e_i,j
5. Repeat step 2-4 until all nodes have been added to our cycle.

def convHull(self):
# Initial Subtour composed of Convex Hull
allPoints = np.array(list(self.nodeDict.values()))
convHull = ConvexHull(allPoints)
listofHullEdges = convHull.simplices.tolist()
listofHullIndices = convHull.vertices.tolist()
allTours = [listofHullEdges]
unvisitedNodes = [z for z in self.nodeDict.keys() if z not in listofHullIndices]
visitedNodes = listofHullIndices[:]
listOfCurrentEdges = listofHullEdges[:]
while unvisitedNodes:
triplets = []
listOfCurrentEdges = listOfCurrentEdges[:]
# Go through each node not in the current Cycle
for node in unvisitedNodes:
neighborVals = self.adjMatrix[node]
minVal = 1000000000000
triplet = (-10, -10, -10)
# Find the minimal triplet for each node that adheres to the minimal w_ir + w_jr - w_ij
for edge in listOfCurrentEdges:
nodeI = edge[0]
nodeJ = edge[1]
cost = neighborVals[nodeI] + neighborVals[nodeJ] - self.adjMatrix[nodeI][nodeJ]
if cost < minVal:
minVal = cost
triplet = (nodeI, nodeJ, node)
# From all these triplets, find the most optimal one based on the ratio!
minRatio = 1000000000000
chosenTrip = (-10, -10, -10)
for triple in triplets:
ratio = (self.adjMatrix[triple[0]][triple[2]] + self.adjMatrix[triple[1]][triple[2]]) / \
if minRatio > ratio:
minRatio = ratio
chosenTrip = triple
# Insert node_r between node_i and node_j
node_i = chosenTrip[0]
node_j = chosenTrip[1]
node_r = chosenTrip[2]
currEdge = [x for x in listOfCurrentEdges if all([node_i in x, node_j in x])][0]
listOfCurrentEdges.append([node_i, node_r])
listOfCurrentEdges.append([node_j, node_r])
# Alltours is for visualization Purposes
return self.listConverter(listOfCurrentEdges), allTours

Christofides Algorithm
1. Form minimum spanning tree T of G.
2. Generate an Minimum perfect matching of the vertices in the MST that have odd degrees.
3. Form an Eulerian path on the multigraph formed by the union (keep duplicates) of the MST and minimum weight perfect matching.
4. Perform shortcutting and skip repeated vertices in the Eulerian path to get a Hamiltonian circuit.

def cf(self):
# Create a minimum spanning Tree of Graph G
Tcsr = minimum_spanning_tree(self.adjMatrix)
MSTedges = []
degreeDict = dict(zip(self.nodeDict.keys(), [0] * len(self.nodeDict.keys())))
Z = Tcsr.toarray().astype(float)
for i in range(len(Z)):
array = np.nonzero(Z[i])[0]
for index in array:
if index.size != 0:
degreeDict[i] += 1
degreeDict[index] += 1
tuplex = (i, index)
# STEP 2: Isolate the vertices of the MST with odd degree
OddVerts = [x for x in degreeDict.keys() if degreeDict[x] % 2 != 0]
# STEP 3: Only Consider the values in OddVerts and form a min-weight perfect matching
H = nx.Graph()
for i in range(len(OddVerts)):
for j in range(len(OddVerts)):
if i != j:
H.add_edge(OddVerts[i], OddVerts[j], weight=-self.adjMatrix[OddVerts[i]][OddVerts[j]])
minWeight = list(naa.max_weight_matching(H, maxcardinality=True))
uniqueMW = []
# Prune out redundant Tuples
for edge in minWeight:
if edge not in uniqueMW and (edge[1], edge[0]) not in uniqueMW:
unionMW_MST = MSTedges[:]
for tup in uniqueMW:
# Only add first index since both edges are returned for instance: (0,1) & (1,0) are returned
degreeDict[tup[0]] += 1
degreeDict[tup[1]] += 1
# Retrieve the Eulerian Circuit
eulerianCircuit = self.eulerianTour(unionMW_MST, self.nodeDict)
shortCut = []
unvisitedPath = []
totalPath = [i for sub in eulerianCircuit for i in sub]
for node in totalPath:
if node not in unvisitedPath:
return [MSTedges, minWeight, eulerianCircuit, self.pathEdges(shortCut)]

# Make sure to connect the first and last vertex to get a hamiltonian cycle!
def pathEdges(self, visitedNodes):
solution = []
for i in range(0, len(visitedNodes)):
if i < len(visitedNodes) - 1:
solution.append((visitedNodes[i], visitedNodes[i + 1]))
solution.append((visitedNodes[i], visitedNodes[0]))
return solution

def eulerianTour(self, setOfEdges, vertDict):
tempGraph = nx.MultiGraph()
return list(nx.eulerian_circuit(tempGraph))

def listConverter(self, edgeList):
tupleSol = []
for listElem in edgeList:
tupleSol.append((listElem[0], listElem[1]))
return tupleSol

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