Releases: Odizinne/BigPictureTV
Releases · Odizinne/BigPictureTV
Port to PyQt6
- Ported to PyQt6
- Removed custom theme, use fusion
Reduced executable size
1.1.4 reduced executable size
Single instance
- Allow only one instance
- Fixed startup shortcut working directory
Distribution rework
- Use cx_freeze for executable (No more false positive)
- Settings window open on first run
Under the hood
- Reworked tray icon
- Removed pystray, use qt for icon and menu
- Prevent app close when closing settings menu with title bar button
- Removed system theme tray icon because they were ugly (and annoying)
No more restart
- Removed restart needs
- Added AudioDeviceCmdlets install button
Fixed help dialog
1.0.6 fixed help dialog
Disable audio switching
- Added disable audio switching in settings
- Minor ui fixes
Minor fixes
1.0.4 Merge branch 'main' of
1.0.3 project restructuration