Releases: Odizinne/BigPictureTV
Detection algorithm ++
- Enforced window title detection algorithm to avoid "false positive detection".
This as not be tested for every languages yet. Feel free to open an issue if detection is not working for you
International and (almost) stable
- Added automatic Big Picture window title detection based on steam current language
- Fixed crash when first run (monitor detection)
- Edited tab order
- Removed now useless Big Picture Keywords qlineedit
Use fusion theme
1.5.2 screenshot
Added back ability to use displayswitch
Displayswitch can produce a smoother screen transition, and steam big picture seems particularly picky with it.
It is now possible to revert back to displayswitch.
This should only used in dual monitors setup (Main monitor + TV / Your awesome OLED ultrawide)
More video control
Now use multimonitortool from nirsoft for screen manipulation instead of displayswitch.exe
You can set the desired monitor to use in gamemode. App is no more limited to dualscreen setup. -
Removed help dialog, readme should be enough
Added new tray icons to reflect current mode, dark and light version
/!\ This is still early stage for new screen switching, you may encounter issue. Feel free to report if any /!\
Code optimization, again
1.4.1 refactor, again and again
Ui rework
Added pause / resume for detection
1.3.0 edited gitignore