Merge pull request #42 from OSGP/dependabot/gradle/plugin.spring-2.1.10 #158
on: push
Gradle build and publish
4m 58s
3 notices
Gradle build and publish
Submitted dependency-graph-reports/gradle_pipeline-build-1.json: The snapshot was accepted, but it is superseded by a newer snapshot from the same detector and correlator. It will not update dependency results for the repository.
Gradle build and publish
Submitted dependency-graph-reports/gradle_pipeline-build-2.json: The snapshot was accepted, but it is superseded by a newer snapshot from the same detector and correlator. It will not update dependency results for the repository.
Gradle build and publish
Submitted dependency-graph-reports/gradle_pipeline-build.json: The snapshot was accepted, but it is superseded by a newer snapshot from the same detector and correlator. It will not update dependency results for the repository.