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g0ulash committed Jul 13, 2020
1 parent f235995 commit 673805d
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Showing 17 changed files with 51,509 additions and 45 deletions.
116 changes: 116 additions & 0 deletions 1_offline_ranking.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
# This is the demo file for the online and offline parameter tuning of Lock-in Feedback
# For policy and bandit specific code, please look at the files (as sourced above).
# First make sure to install contextual
# (see for a how to).
# For any questions, please contact the authors.



# #
# Online and Offline evaluation #
# #

### Set seed

### Set number of interactions (horizon) and number of repeats (simulations)
### In the paper we used a horizon of 10000 and 10000 simulations
horizon <- 10
simulations <- 1

### Set up two different bandits
bandits <- c(ContinuumBanditUnimodal$new(), ContinuumBanditBimodal$new())

### Set up functions to make offline dataset
unimodal_data <- function(x){
c1 <- runif(1, 0.25, 0.75)
c2 <- 1
return(list("data" = -(x - c1) ^2 + c2 + rnorm(length(x), 0, 0.01), "max" = c2))

bimodal_data <- function(x){
mu1 <- runif(1, 0.15, 0.2)
sd1 <- runif(1, 0.1, 0.15)
mu2 <- runif(1, 0.7, 0.85)
sd2 <- runif(1, 0.1, 0.15)
y1 <- truncnorm::dtruncnorm(x, a=0, b=1, mean=mu1, sd=sd1)
y2 <- truncnorm::dtruncnorm(x, a=0, b=1, mean=mu2, sd=sd2)
maxval <- truncnorm::dtruncnorm(mu2, a=0, b=1, mean=mu1, sd=sd1) + truncnorm::dtruncnorm(mu2, a=0, b=1, mean=mu2, sd=sd2)
return(list("data" = y1 + y2 + rnorm(length(x), 0, 0.01), "max" = maxval))

functions <- list(list("unimodal", bimodal_data))#, list("bimodal", bimodal_data))

### Set up different deltas for the delta method. If delta = 0 we do online
#deltas <- c(0, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5)
deltas <- c(0, 0.5, 0.2, 0.1, 0.05, 0.01)

### Parameters for LiF
int_time <- 10
amplitude <- 0.035
learn_rate <- 2*pi/int_time
omega <- 1

histories <- vector(mode='list', length=length(deltas))

### Set up all agents with different amplitudes and run them for each bandit
for (f in functions){
if(f[[1]] == "unimodal"){
bandit_online <- ContinuumBanditUnimodal$new()
} else {
bandit_online <- ContinuumBanditBimodal$new()
for (i in 1:length(deltas)){
d = deltas[i]
if(d == 0){
bandit <- bandit_online
} else {
bandit <- OnlineOfflineContinuumBandit$new(FUN = f[[2]], max_bool = TRUE, delta = d, horizon = horizon)

agents <- list(Agent$new(UniformRandomPolicy$new(), bandit),
Agent$new(EpsilonFirstLinearRegressionPolicy$new(), bandit),
Agent$new(LifPolicyRandstart$new(int_time, amplitude, learn_rate, omega), bandit),
Agent$new(ThompsonBayesianLinearPolicy$new(), bandit))

history <- Simulator$new(agents = agents,
horizon = horizon,
simulations = simulations,
do_parallel = TRUE,
save_interval = 10)$run()

histories[[i]] <- history


#layout(matrix(c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,7,7), ncol=3, byrow=TRUE), heights=c(3, 3, 1))
#par(oma=c(4,4,2,2), las=1)
#for(hist in histories){
# plot(hist, type="cumulative", no_par = TRUE, disp="ci", legend=FALSE, use_colors=TRUE, trunc_per_agent = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "")
#mtext("Time step", 1, 3, outer=TRUE, las = 0)
#mtext("Cumulative regret", 2, 3, outer=TRUE, las = 0)
#legend(x="center", ncol=4,legend=c("UR","E-First","LiF", "TBL"), fill=c("#F8766D", "#7CAE00", "#00BFC4", "#C77CFF"), title="Legend")

73 changes: 73 additions & 0 deletions 2a_offline_empirical.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
# This is the demo file for the online and offline parameter tuning of Lock-in Feedback
# For policy and bandit specific code, please look at the files (as sourced above).
# First make sure to install contextual
# (see for a how to).
# For any questions, please contact the authors.



# #
# Online and Offline evaluation #
# #

### Set seed

### Set number of interactions (horizon) and number of repeats (simulations)
### In the paper we used a horizon of the data and 1000 simulations
simulations <- 1000

### Data

dt <- read.table("results.csv", TRUE, sep=",")
dt <- dt[dt$type=="setreward",]
dt$store <- as.factor(dt$context.StoreID)

dt <- dt[dt$store=="15337",]

dt$choice <- dt$split
dt$reward <- (1 - dt$split) * dt$revenue

horizon <- nrow(dt)

### Set up different deltas for the delta method
deltas <- 0.1

### Parameters for LiF
int_time <- 10
amplitude <- 0.035
learn_rate <- 2*pi/int_time
omega <- 1

### Set up all agents with different amplitudes and run them for each bandit
bandit <- OfflineContinuumBandit$new(data = dt, max_bool = TRUE, delta = deltas, horizon = horizon)

agents <- list(Agent$new(UniformRandomPolicy$new(), bandit),
Agent$new(EpsilonFirstLinearRegressionPolicy$new(), bandit),
Agent$new(LifPolicyRandstart$new(int_time, amplitude, learn_rate, omega), bandit),
Agent$new(ThompsonBayesianLinearPolicy$new(), bandit))

history <- Simulator$new(agents = agents,
horizon = horizon,
simulations = simulations,
do_parallel = FALSE,
save_interval = 10)$run()

plot(history, regret=FALSE, type="cumulative", legend_labels = c("UR", "E-First", "LiF", "TBL"), disp="ci")

16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions 2b_company_results.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@

data <- read.table("results.csv", TRUE, sep=",")

data <- data[data$type=="setreward",]
data$store <- as.factor(data$context.StoreID)

data <- data[data$store=="15337",]

dat2 <- aggregate(data, by=list(data$context.UserID), FUN=mean)

dat2$bb <- (1-dat2$split) * dat2$revenue
c <- qplot(dat2$split, dat2$bb, xlab="Split of discount offered to customer", ylab="Profit for rebate company in euros") + stat_smooth() + geom_vline(xintercept = 0.5, linetype = "dashed", color = "red")
ggsave("company_results.eps", c, device="eps")
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions bandit_continuum_function_bimodal.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -33,9 +33,12 @@ ContinuumBanditBimodal <- R6::R6Class(
get_reward = function(t, context, action) {
reward <- self$arm_function(action$choice, self$mu1, self$sd1, self$mu2, self$sd2)
optimal_reward <- self$arm_function(self$mu2, self$mu1, self$sd1, self$mu2, self$sd2)

reward <- list(
reward = self$arm_function(action$choice, self$mu1, self$sd1, self$mu2, self$sd2),
optimal_reward = self$mu2
reward = reward,
optimal_reward = optimal_reward
Expand Down
36 changes: 36 additions & 0 deletions bandit_continuum_offline.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
#' @export
OfflineContinuumBandit <- R6::R6Class(
inherit = Bandit,
class = FALSE,
public = list(
class_name = "OfflineContinuumBandit",
delta = NULL,
horizon = NULL,
choice = NULL,
initialize = function(data, max_bool, delta, horizon) {
self$S <- data
self$horizon <- horizon
self$delta <- delta
self$k <- 1
post_initialization = function() {
self$S <- self$S[sample(nrow(self$S)),]
get_context = function(index) {
context <- list()
context$k <- self$k
get_reward = function(index, context, action) {
reward_at_index <- as.double(self$S$reward[[index]])
if (abs(self$S$choice[[index]] - action$choice) < self$delta) {
reward <- list(
reward = reward_at_index
} else {
88 changes: 46 additions & 42 deletions bandit_continuum_offon.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,42 +1,46 @@
#' @export
OnlineOfflineContinuumBandit <- R6::R6Class(
inherit = Bandit,
class = FALSE,
private = list(
public = list(
class_name = "OnlineOfflineContinuumBandit",
delta = NULL,
horizon = NULL,
choice = NULL,
arm_function = NULL,
initialize = function(FUN, delta, horizon) {
self$arm_function <- FUN
self$horizon <- horizon
self$delta <- delta
self$k <- 1
post_initialization = function() {
self$choice <- runif(self$horizon, min=0, max=1)
private$S <- data.frame(self$choice, self$arm_function(self$choice))
private$S <- private$S[sample(nrow(private$S)),]
colnames(private$S) <- c('choice', 'reward')
get_context = function(index) {
context <- list()
context$k <- self$k
get_reward = function(index, context, action) {
reward_at_index <- as.double(private$S$reward[[index]])
if (abs(private$S$choice[[index]] - action$choice) < self$delta) {
reward <- list(
reward = reward_at_index
} else {
#' @export
OnlineOfflineContinuumBandit <- R6::R6Class(
inherit = Bandit,
class = FALSE,
public = list(
class_name = "OnlineOfflineContinuumBandit",
delta = NULL,
horizon = NULL,
choice = NULL,
arm_function = NULL,
max_bool = FALSE,
maxval = NULL,
initialize = function(FUN, max_bool, delta, horizon) {
self$arm_function <- FUN
self$horizon <- horizon
self$delta <- delta
self$k <- 1
self$max_bool <- max_bool
post_initialization = function() {
self$choice <- runif(self$horizon, min=0, max=1)
temp_data <- self$arm_function(self$choice)
self$S <- data.frame(self$choice, temp_data$data)
self$maxval <- temp_data$max
self$S <- self$S[sample(nrow(self$S)),]
colnames(self$S) <- c('choice', 'reward')
get_context = function(index) {
context <- list()
context$k <- self$k
get_reward = function(index, context, action) {
reward_at_index <- as.double(self$S$reward[[index]])
if (abs(self$S$choice[[index]] - action$choice) < self$delta) {
reward <- list(
reward = reward_at_index,
optimal_reward = ifelse(self$max_bool, self$maxval, NA)
} else {

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