This repo contains the project files and source code for the Love Lamps project.
- MQTT backend
- Neopixel backend
- Neopixel animations
- OLED control
- User control
- OLED animations
- Configuration via external GUI
- Persistant configuration
- Better logging
- Better Neopixel animations
0.1.0 - MQTT and Neopixel backends working
0.1.4 - OLED control working
0.1.5 - User control working
0.1.6 - First end-to-end test (sucess)
0.1.7 - QOL changes (text centering, version number, etc.)
0.2.0 - Added OLED animations
0.2.1 - Added new messages
0.2.2 - Added animations to system functions
0.2.3 - MQTT tweaks
0.3.0 - Added NVS configuration for wifi
0.3.1 - Added configuration GUI
0.3.1 - Added serial commands
0.3.2 - Added logging library
0.3.3 - Fixed command response time
0.3.4 - Added board info command
0.4.0 - Added CLI
0.4.1 - Added OTA
0.4.2 - Updated configurator and removed private.hpp (moved everything to NVS)