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Audio Editor

Juliusz Kaczmarek edited this page Feb 2, 2023 · 5 revisions


The Audio Editor is a tool that allows to create, change sound bank lists, which contains a sound banks, which has sound files attached to each one of them. Sound banks are essentially a container for information on different audio files.

  • Sound bank lists are meant to be attached into specific levels, on load of the level, all of the sound banks will be pre-loaded. Sound bank lists are containing file path and a name of the sound banks, which is saved in separate *.json file.
  • The sound banks are meant to be attached into different entities through the entity editor or to be used by different components in the game, such as UI. It contains all the information about audio files. Each sound bank is saved in its own *.json file.
  • The audio files in the sound bank has multiple parameters that define how loud, how pitched sounds will be and most importantly - add a label name, which is a tag name which is being used to call the sound to be played through the audio engine. These are stored in sound bank files.

Options breakdown


  • You choose to save, load or create a new (through save option) sound bank list
  • You choose the sound bank you want to modify, by pressing on it on the list will load all the files into the memory, it will print off all of them within two categories, depending on audio types they are set on:
    • Play - plays the sound/music once
    • Delete - deletes and unloads the sound
    • Default Volume - Sets up how the sound is loud by default on play
    • If that's SFX you have following options:
      • Random pitch - by enabling it, it will play the sound with pitch using random value between chosen minimum and maximum
    • If that's Music you have following option:
      • Unpause - if music is paused, you press it to unpause it
      • Pause - pauses the music, remembers the state it was stopped on
      • Stop - stop the music completely, playing it again will start from the very beginning
    • Label Name - this is a tag name that will be used somewhere in a code to call audio engine to play specific sound/music
    • Add to SFX/Music list - opens a window, in which you can choose the file to load
    • Save Sound Bank - saves the changes on the chosen sound bank

Page Author: Juliusz Kaczmarek