Clone the repository, create a virtualenv and install the packages:
# Create project directory structure
mkdir project && cd project && git clone
# create virtualenv
python -m virtualenv .venv && source .venv/bin/activate
# install dependencies
pip install "flwr" "flwr-datasets[vision]" ray psutil torch torchvision
# go into directory
cd fl-pytorch-simulation
Help command:
❯ python pytorchexample/ --help
This script runs a federated learning simulation
-b, --backend [ray-task|process-pool]
Select which simulation backend to be used
-n, --num-clients INTEGER Number of clients participating in the
-r, --fl-rounds INTEGER Number of federated learning rounds
--num-gpus-total INTEGER Number of GPUs to be used for the *whole*
simulation. If not specified all available
are used
--num-cpus-total INTEGER Number of CPUs to be used for the *whole*
simulation. If not specified all available
are used
--num-workers INTEGER Number of total workers used during the
*whole* simulation. If not explicitly given,
it will be calculated from the settings in
the pyproject.toml or if not possible
default to 1
--num-threads INTEGER Set number of threads for torch,
--num-cpus-worker INTEGER Number of CPUs each worker can utilize
--num-gpus-worker FLOAT Number of GPUs each worker can utilize
--max-memory-total INTEGER Total maximum memory to be utilized
--max-memory-worker FLOAT Specify maximum memory a worker uses (in GB)
--overwrite-app-config TEXT JSON formatted string that overwrites values
in pyproject.toml []
--overwrite-federation-config TEXT
JSON formatted string that overwrites values
in pyproject.toml [tool.flwr.federations.*]
--ray-address TEXT Address for ray cluster
--ray-dashboard Activate Ray Dashboard
--ray-dashboard-port INTEGER Ray Dashboard port
--ray-dashboard-host TEXT Ray Dashboard host
--ray-namespace TEXT Namespace for Ray Cluster that is going to
be used
--run-id TEXT ID for the current run. Defaults to
generated UUID4
--print-config BOOLEAN Prints the parsed configuration at the
beginning of the simulation
--help Show this message and exit.
Run with standard concurrent.futures.ProcessPool:
python pytorchexample/ pytorchexample.fn pytorchexample.fn -b ray-task --num-workers 5
Run with Ray as an Task:
python pytorchexample/ pytorchexample.fn pytorchexample.fn -b ray-task --num-gpus-total 1 --num-gpus-worker 0.5 --num-cpus-worker 2