Once you have forked/cloned this repository, enter its root directory and run:
npm install
The whole project can be built with:
npm run build
The command above will optimize SVG files, concatenate them by domain and generate a complete static documentation.
If you're creating new icons or editing existing ones, you might want to run a local web server to visualize your changes in context. The following command:
npm run serve
will make the documentation available locally at [http://localhost:3000/] (http://localhost:3000/) and will rebuild it on each change made to the SVG files stored in the inkscape directory.
- inkscape: stores original/raw SVG files produced by Inkscape. Icons are grouped in sub-directories by domain or feature. Sub-directory names will be used as icon prefixes in the build pass.
- dist: destination directory of the build/optimization pass. It contains single optimized SVG files for each domain present in the inkscape directory.
- docs: static documentation for the icon set. It will be also served with Github Pages at https://claroline.github.io/icons/.
- src: build scripts and helpers.
- Find a way to eliminate inline styles (svgo?)
- Allow to visualize single icons in grid mode
- Add a playground page to see icon subsets in context