Gnoll Release v1.13.0
This time a bit of refactoring and exploring fixes for some annoyances. While not every exploration path was successful, I think I have fixed a crash when alt-tabbing on fullscreen.
Additionally for a long time I wanted to add an option to disable/enable mods from within the game, this feature is now added. This leaves the door open to add "experimental" mods, that under normal situations might break the game (as in the logic and flow, not crash ... ). Now it's a no worry since the mods can be disabled.
Note: Since the structure of the mods got overhauled, you need to do a full uninstall first to get rid of the old stuff. This can be done via the Installer itself. After that, install patch and copy mods and enjoy.
Gnoll Patch G1.13
- A new binary patch, made "protected" methods "public". Don't really like to add anything new to binary side, but this was required for the alt-tab fix.
Gnoll ModLoader for patch G1.13
- Support for patch 13, making "protected" methods "public" so they can be accessed in the hooks and mods.
- Refactored life-cycle handling for mods. Mods can now be enabled/disabled from the in-game menu. Some mods require game restart for full effect. The mod settings are saved in a file, so the setup survives a restart.
- Refactored patching. Mods can now provide their own patch, overriding the mod-loader patcher. Gives a bit more flexibility to add specialized patches (ie take a look at the new FixFullscreenAltTab mod for example), but then the patcher looses the centralized governance. Combined with the new life-cycle management, the patches are applied only when the mod is "enabled" during loading, which means the patches can be applied only once and to remove them, the mod needs to be disabled, which in effect avoids loading and applying the patch.
- The main window version label now displays Gnoll version as well, letting you know, that Gnoll is installed indeed.
- Code cleanup here and there
Gnoll Mods for patch G1.13
- Overall update for all mods to support the new life-cycle structure.
- Added a new mod: FixFullscreenAltTab
- This one tries to fix the crashes that occur when alt-tabbing in/out of the game at fullscreen. If you don't use fullscreen, then you can disable this mod.
Gnoll Installer v1.13
- Support for patch 13
- Fixing an issue where the Installer duplicated "copy dependency" action on every button press. Not really critical, since copying the dependencies 1 or 3 times still results the same outcome, but still
- A bit of code cleanup and logging cleanup