preview This website shows my skills , experience and serves as a platform for potential employers and collaborators to learn more about me and my work.
- Node.js v20.12.0
- npm
- pnpm
Built With
- Next JS
- Tailwind Css
- Typescript
- shadcn UI
- React Js
- tanstack/react-table
- Radix UI
- lucide-react
- query-string
- sonner
- next-themes
- usehooks-ts
- Infinite scrolling table
- Realtime weather statics
- location detection system
- Data caching using Next js
- Dark Mode and light mode feature
- realtime search suggestions
- weather unit change selection
- complete use of Next js server actions
- table search/filter/sorting
- Error handling using sonner
- server side rendering of sensitive data
- Dynamic weather image change
- use of Tyescript solves build errors
- Image Optimization using Next Js Image component.
To install and run the application locally, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository using the following command:
git clone
2.Navigate to the project directory:
cd weather-app
3.Install the required packages:
npm install or yarn add
4.Add Environment varibales in .env file:
5.Start the development server:
npm run dev
6.Open http://localhost:3000 to view the website in the browser.
🧑💻🧑💻The Project Credit goes to Nayan chandrakar😊😊