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VuFind Integration

Aleksi Peebles edited this page Mar 14, 2022 · 2 revisions

Currently component files are also committed to the main NDL-VuFind2 repository just like any other files.

Due to the way VuFind themes work, template, Less and JavaScript files are committed to separate file type specific base paths.

All component Less files are imported in components.less, which is imported in finna.less.

All component JavaScript files are added in components.config.php, which is included in theme.config.php.

├── finna-ui-components/
│   └── source/
│       └── components/
│           └── [componentType]/
│               └── [componentSubtype]/
│                   └── [componentName]/
│                       ├── [componentName].js
│                       ├── [componentName].less
│                       └── [componentName].phtml
   └── themes/
       └── finna2/
           ├── js/
           │   └── components/
           │       └── [componentType]/
           │           └── [componentSubtype]/
           │               └── [componentName]/
           │                   └── [componentName].js
           ├── less/
           │   ├── components/
           │   │    └── [componentType]/
           │   │        └── [componentSubtype]/
           │   │            └── [componentName]/
           │   │                └── [componentName].less
           │   └── components.less
           ├── templates/
           │   └── components/
           │       └── [componentType]/
           │           └── [componentSubtype]/
           │               └── [componentName]/
           │                   └── [componentName].phtml
           └── components.config.php