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Nakazoto edited this page Nov 14, 2022 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the WangWriter 5503 wiki!

The Wangwriter was a specialized word processor and printer combined into a single package aimed at small to medium businesses. However, lurking under the skin, the Wangwriter sported some quite capable hardware. Notably, a full Z80 CPU, 96kb of RAM (expandable up to 160kb), a specialized video circuit that could display unique characters, and a fully integrated printer driver board. The monitor is highly readable with an 80-column display, and the keyboard features several unique keys specialized for word processing.

Each aspect of the Wangwriter is covered in more detail on it's own page, linked below.

Specifications - A list of specifications on the system attained from the manual.

Hardware - A break down of the PCBs that are in the computer portion of the system.

Peripherals - Covers any peripherals that connect to the system, such as the monitor, printer, keyboard and floppy drive.

Software - A list of known software for the machine, including the original OS as well as CP/M.

Manuals - All manuals in PDF format.

Others - Anything not covered by the above topics.




  • Printer
  • Monitor
  • Keyboard
  • Floppy Drive




  • Power Supply
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