Mi primer todo list usando html css & js Primero no se porque por defecto me pone tantas boxes para los to do Cuando hago refresh deberia volver a 0 no sucede No se ordena por orden ABC Cuando seleciono una tarea ya hecha y la marco como hecha no se pone por debajo de la no hecha.
My first todo list using html css & js First, I don't know why by default it gives me so many boxes for everything. When I refresh it should go back to 0, it doesn't happen It is not sorted by ABC order When I select a task already done and mark it as done, it does not go below the undone one.
Last Update: NOw the items in the boxes move to their right position, cheched boxes goes to the bottom when refresh all the boxes stayed empty but they're not supposed to stay as i should use the add button. Also checked boxes don't clear after refresh