Referenced UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll, UnityEngine.UI.dll, Unity.TextMeshPro.dll are removed from repository! Use your own while rebuilding solution.
- Core
- Coroutines Manager
- Timer class
- Timers pool manager
- Extension
- Extension alpha dinamic
- AdapterFabric
- ImageAdapter
- SpriteRendererAdapter
- TextAdapter
- Collections
- DeadNoteList
Timers are received and managed by the TimersPool class
var timersPool = TimersPool.GetInstance();
Although we can create a timer separately and work with it, the access methods are already present (through encapsulation) in the class
timersPool.StartTimer(float time, UnityAction endCallback);
timersPool.StartTimer(float time, UnityAction<float> progressCallback);
timersPool.StartTimer(float time, UnityAction endCallback, UnityAction<float> progressCallback);
Example of use:
float time = 10 //seconds
IStop timer = timersPool.StartTimer(time, EndMethod)
void EndMethod()
Debug.Log("End Time")
void Restart()
However, you may not need a pool of timers and want to use a single timer when needed... In this case, you can manually initialize an object of the timer class and work exclusively with it
float time = 10 //seconds
Timer timer = new();
timer.Start(time, EndMethod);
void EndMethod()
Debug.Log("End Time")
You can also check if the timer was actually stopped from the on state, so as not to call your logic every time.
if (timer.Stop())
When this timer is started again, the current ticker will reset and all dependencies will be unsubscribed
void Start()
timer.Start(time, () => Debug.Log("End Start"));
void Handler()
timer.Start(time, () => Debug.Log("End HandlerEvent"));
Also you may need to count time not based on Time.deltaTime.
timer.StartUnscaled(time, Finally);
By default, timers are started based on game time (Time.deltaTime)
You may also find it useful to simply track the timer as a flag without creating a boolean variable
Timer recharging = new();
float rechargingTime = 2.4f;
void Update()
if (recharging.IsRunning) return;
I recommend making a note to the timer fields:
Timer t_scrollAnimate;
Timer t_endFireState;
Timer t_flagEndSpell;
In the UI extensions there are different methods for smooth animation of the alpha channel change
Image img;
For example, it is well variable to use as a parameter the AnimationCurve
AnimationCurve easing;
float time = 2.0f;
img.SetAplhaDynamic(time, easing, isChangeActive: true);
the isChangeActive parameter is responsible for changing the gameobject activity
You can do the same with the text
TMP_Text text;
float timeToVisable = 1.0f;
float timeVisible = 2.0f;
float timeToInvisable = 1.5f;
text.SetAplhaDynamic(timeToVisable, timeVisible, timeToInvisable);
This list works by adding an element to it and setting the time after which it will disappear.
DeadNoteList<Player> deadList = new(length);
Player player = new();
void StartMethod()
void EndMethod() => player.Awake()
deadList.Add(player, StartMethod, EndMethod, 3f)
foreach(Player player in players)
deadList.Add(player, () => player.Dead(), 15f)
If you add an object that is already present in the sheet, it will automatically reset the timer and start it again
You can also:
- Stop the timer and remove the object
- Self-stop
- Clear all timers inside
deadList.Remove(player); //stop and dell
deadList.StopAll(); // stop all, don't clear
deadList.Dispose(); // stop all and clear
The Coroutines class provides the use of coroutines outside of MonoBehaviour. It is auxiliary to the main timer system. Accessed via singleton
var coroutines = Coroutines.Instance;
It has methods of starting and stopping the coroutine
var routine = StartRoutine(IEnumerator enumerator);
They must have a Color property and inherit from Component, IColor
Otherwise, if you do not have direct access to objects, but they have a Color property and are inherited from the Component, then you need to add the corresponding adapters to the "Adapter" folder and the wrapper constructor to the "AdapterFabric":
public class ExampleClassAdapter : Component, IColor
public Color Color { get => _component.color; set => _component.color = value; }
private SomeClass _component;
public ExampleClassAdapter(SomeClass com) => _component = com;
public static class AdapterFabric
public static ExampleClassAdapter Ext(this SomeClass spriteRenderer) => new ExampleClassAdapter(spriteRenderer);
Now you can use the extension method:
If you want to use extension methods without the "Ext()" transformation >packaging method, then you need to package each extension method you need >from the "Extension" class.
public static Color SetAlpha(this SomeClass spriteRenderer, float value) => >spriteRenderer.Ext().SetAlpha(value);See the "AdapterFabric" class for examples.