simple grip-like
program that allows you to search files/directories with a specific pattern
- download the latest stable version from releases
- build from source code:
git clone
cargo build --release
<PATH> base path to search
<PATTERN> regex pattern, its recommended to wrap it around single quotes(')
-r, --reverse show anything that doesnt match the patterns
-s <TARGET> search target, can either be name of the files/directories or file contents [default: names] [possible values: names, contents]
-t <MAX_THREAD> set max thread count [default: 0]
-d <MAX_DEPTH> max directory depth to search [default: 3]
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
- for example:
simple-grip /path/to/dir 'pattern\+' -s names -t 3 -d 4
with this command simple grip will go in /path/to/dir
and search for the files/directories that matches the 'pattern\+'
with maximum 3 threads and tree-depth
of 3.
you can also reverse
the process so any file that doesn't match the 'pattern\+'
will show up, in order to do this you can simply add the -r
to the end of the command