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Description: A initial strcture generator for the NEB calculations. Both LST and IDPP method are supported. This script is based on ASE package.
python3 -i init_structure_file end_structure_file -m IDPP -n 4
- -i: specify 2 structures
- -m: specify the method used, 'IDPP' and 'Li' are supported.
- -n: number of structures being generated.
Description: A script for exporting the result of bader chage analysis (ACF.dat) to a .xsd file. This script is based on ASE package.
Required input files:
- ACF.dat
> python3
ZVAL = [X, X, X]
ATOM = [Y, Y, Y]
Please Check!
The average charge = [Z, Z, Z]
The charge information obtained from Bader analysis will be written to a Materials Studio (.xsd) file automatically. Meanwhile, a "bader_data.csv" will be generated, which contains the charge information of each atom and the average charge of each element.
A detailed tutorial of this script may be found in:
Description: Analyzer for slow-growth data generated by VASP.
> ls
> python3
3910 frames are found.
Energy Barrier: 1.5107054134975018 eV.
The data has been written to the slow-growth.csv.
> ls
You can open this script in any text editor and modify it.
Options in this script:
- PLOT = True (Whether to visualize data automatically, matplotlib is used.)
- input_file = "REPORT" (The name of the input file. Only the VASP format "REPORT" file is supported)
- output_file = "slow-growth.csv" (The name of the output file)
- output_img ="slow-growth.png" (The name of the output image. This option only works when "PLOT = True")
Description: For parsing the log file of the dpgen (dpgen.log), and visualize the data.