multiEditR detects and quantifies base edits from Sanger sequencing. Algorithms were developed by Mitch Kluesner, and implemented by Jeremy Chacón.
multiEditR inputs a sample Sanger sequence, and either a control Sanger or fasta file, a motif within which to look for edits, the base being edited and expected edited base, and return whether edits were found.
Furthermore, if the control sequence is rev-com from the sample sequence, this package detects that and rev-coms the control sequence prior to testing.
To install, first you must have devtools:
Then, use devtools to install the multiEditR package:
Please note that this may take a few mminutes to download.
Here, we load in two example sanger sequences, then detect whether "A" bases were edited within the motif "AGTAGCTGGGATTACAGATG" using detect_edits(), the main function of the package.
sample_file = system.file("extdata", "RP272_cdna_wt.ab1", package="multiEditR")
ctrl_file = system.file("extdata", "RP272_cdna_ko.ab1", package="multiEditR")
wt = "A"
edit = "G"
fit = detect_edits(
sample_file = sample_file,
ctrl_file = ctrl_file,
p_value = 0.0001,
phred_cutoff = 0.0001,
motif = motif,
wt = wt,
edit = edit
After fitting is complete, multiple graphs and tables can be made:
# chromatogram of predicted edits in sample
# chromatogram of predicts "edits" in control
# percent signal of basecalls in sample
# percent noise of basecalls
# height of significant and non-significant edits
# main table
result = fit$sample_data
# secondary table
stats = fit$statistical_parameters
The package can also take in a parameters spreadsheet and run the edit-detection algorithm on many samples at once, then generate a single html report from all of the samples.
The package comes with an example which can be loaded like so:
params = load_example_params()
Note that you can save a skeleton parameters spreadsheet to modify with your own data:
We use "detect_edits_batch" to fit all samples simulateously:
fits = detect_edits_batch(params)
We can access summary tables for all samples:
data.tbl = get_batch_results_table(fits)
stats.tbl = get_batch_stats_table(fits)
Or access a single fit model
fit1 = fits[[1]]
Or make a report containing results from all of the samples:
# First set your directory or interest:
# Run the report, which may take a few minutes
create_multiEditR_report(fits, params, "my_html_report.html")
Known issues:
sometimes motifs get trimmed due to quality, resulting in chromatograms which seem shorter than expected
sometimes the relative position of the edited bases are off by a fixed amount. I think this occurs when indels are removed but not accounted for.
Please add any other feature requests or issues you find to the issues page. Thank you!