You can choose from the following options:
LTS release version only: download the latest FEBuilder release (Laqieer branch) and install C-SkillSys in Patches form.
Release version only: Download UPS or EA buildfile from release page, and install the patch to your ROM.
- It is only recommanded to install C-SkillSys to a clean FE8 rom.
- Please see Limitations doc before you want to do any futher hacks.
500+ skills in implement.
Learnable equipable in prepscreen (designer configurable).
Skill scroll activated.
Skill activate anim for both banim/mapanim.
- STR/MAG splited.
- Attack speed decay: (
weight - con
) --> (weight - (con + atk * 20%)
) - Nosferatu hp-drain percentage: 100% --> 50%.
- Critical damage correction is 300% in default, can be changed by skills.
- Effectiveness damage correct is 200% in default, can be changed by skills.
- Unit can use real damage via skills to ignore vanilla damage calculation.
- Riders may suffer
avo -20%
- Unit use weapon with S rank may hold atk+1 and neglect attack speed decay.
When attacking the enemy within the range of the companion, ally will participate in the combo attack.
When a unit is attacked and adjacent to the enemy, each side with enemy may cause unit avo -10%
. If completely surrounded (each side stands an enemy), unit may cause def-5
Flyer in outdoor environments are not affected by this effect
For non-ballista combat, it will cause the battle actor lose hit rate with the attack distance increases (hit -10%
per distance).
Convoy items has been expanded to 200.
Suspend data may only auto saved at the start of the player-phase so as to realize a simple "undo" action.
And this option is runtime-configurable.
FE-Gaiden style B.Mag and W.Mag have been implemented. Unit can cost HP to use magic.
Basic debuffs can keep no more than 3 turns.
Some combat related debuffs can overlap and exist simultaneously but just hold one turn.