Dev Jobs Elixir is a job board application built with Elixir and Phoenix LiveView. It allows users to create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) job listings by signing in with a magic link sent via email. Users can also search for job posts by title and description.
- Language: Elixir ⚗️ Phoenix LiveView, Tailwind CSS
- Deployment Plataform: Gigalixir
- Build Tool: Mix
- Testing: ExUnit
- Magic Link Authentication Email: Resend Email API
- Elixir (version 1.12 or higher)
- Erlang OTP (version 24 or higher)
Clone the repository
git clone cd dev_jobs_elixir
Install dependencies
mix deps.get
Set up the database
mix ecto.setup
Start the Phoenix server
mix phx.server
Run tests
mix test
Visit http://localhost:4000 in your browser to see the application running.
Sign In: Enter your email to receive a magic link for authentication.
Create Job Listing: Fill out the form to create a new job listing.
Search Jobs: Use the search bar to find job posts by title or description.
Edit/Delete Jobs: Manage your job listings by editing or deleting them.