gottlmap is a simple Go package that provides an in-memory key-value store for TTL-based expirable items.
This package also allows for userdefined action to be performed before deleting the key-value pair from memory. Ex: Persist to DB, file or write to a network socket.
go get -u
package main
import (
func main() {
t := time.NewTicker(1 * time.Second) // How often the cleanup routine is called
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
ttl_map, err := gottlmap.New(t, nil, ctx)
if err != nil {
ttl_map.Set("key1", "value1", 2*time.Second) // expire the key in 2 seconds
log.Printf("Current Keys, Value, Expiry in TTLMap %s, %+v \n", ttl_map.Keys(), ttl_map.Values()) // Key1: value1, Expires: 2s
log.Println("Sleeping for 3 seconds...")
time.Sleep(3 * time.Second)
// The TTLMap should not have any entries after 3 seconds
log.Printf("Current Keys in TTLMap %+v\n", ttl_map.Keys()) // No Entries
cancel() // stop the ttlmap routine
time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)
For more examples check out the example folder
Please fork this project and send me a pull request!