MeenPCs represents a breakthrough in NPC behavior simulation, creating virtual entities that think, feel, and interact in ways that mirror human psychological patterns. Unlike traditional NPCs that follow simple scripted paths, these entities develop unique personalities, form memories, and make decisions based on their emotional states and past experiences.
Each NPC in the system operates with a complex psychological framework. Just as humans have varying personality traits that influence their behavior, our NPCs possess traits like friendliness, curiosity, and assertiveness.
For example, an NPC with high curiosity might frequently explore new areas and initiate conversations about their discoveries, while one with high friendliness might prioritize social interactions and maintain longer conversations. These traits evolve subtly over time based on experiences, creating dynamic and unpredictable behavior patterns.
For now, these conversation are already scripted, i am planning on using an Ai model
The emotional system goes beyond basic "happy" or "sad" states. NPCs experience complex emotional states that influence their decision-making and behavior. An NPC might become enthusiastic after a positive interaction, leading them to seek out more social encounters, or become cautious after a negative experience, temporarily avoiding similar situations.
NPCs don't simply exist in the moment - they remember and learn from their experiences. The memory system allows NPCs to:
- Remember significant interactions with players and other NPCs
- Recall important locations and events
- Learn from past experiences to influence future decisions
- Develop preferences based on accumulated experiences
For instance, if an NPC has several positive interactions in a particular location, they might develop a preference for that area and visit it more frequently. Similarly, they remember who they've interacted with and how those interactions went, influencing future encounters.
When two NPCs meet, their interaction isn't just random dialogue. The system considers:
- Their current emotional states
- Past interactions and memories
- Personality compatibility
- Environmental context
Here's how a typical interaction might look like:
Initial Meeting: "Oh, hello there! I don't think we've met before. I'm [NPC NAME]."
Recognition (if they've met): "[NAME]! It's good to see you again. I remember our interesting conversation about the village."
Context-Aware Dialogue: "Have you noticed the new buildings they're constructing? It's quite fascinating to watch the progress."
NPCs don't just wander aimlessly. They:
- Notice and comment on changes in the place they are in
- React to weather changes and time of day
- Else planned
Searching for people to help with this project, contact me on discord !