This project integrates Next.js v14.0.4 with React v18 and the latest version of MSAL (Microsoft Authentication Library). It's bootstrapped with create-next-app
and includes configurations for @azure/msal-browser: v3.6.0 and msal-react: v2.0.8.
This boilerplate is designed to streamline the integration of Azure AD authentication in a server-rendered Next.js application, while ensuring the main layout remains succinct and organized.
Before you begin, ensure you have Node.js installed, preferable version >=18.x.x
To use Azure AD authentication, you must first set up your backend in Microsoft Azure. And also to test the user claims and roles, you need to create a .env.local file in your nextjs project root directory and write the following line in it:
process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_USER_CLAIMS_ADMIN = '%replaceWithYourAdminRoleNameSpecifiedInAzureRegisteredAppRoles%'
- Navigate to Microsoft Azure App Registration.
- Create a new registration for your web app.
- Note down the following values:
- Application (client) ID
- Directory (tenant) ID
- Managed application name in local directory
- Your domain name (e.g.,
- Update these values in the MSAL authentication configuration file msal/authConfig.js.
Use the following commands to run the app:
# Restoring dependencies
npm install
# Build the application
npm run build
# Start the development server
npm run dev
# Browse the application, 3000 is the default Next.js port if not used by another app.
- Added User avatar component to handle user photo, or display initials avatar when no photo provided or the photo is blank/corrupted, and whether or not to show the basic user info like name, username.
- Added user claims handling, and a dedicated component components/UserRolesContainer.tsx to render content based on user claims.
- Added a page to test Admin only user access.
- Added a page to test getting the user token generated based on your MSAL configuration, this can be very handy when talking to your custom APIs.
- All the above are tested and functioning correctly as expected.
- Added msal/userHelper.ts to help with common user tasks.
I had the same struggle as you do do when I first started using MSAL for custom Azure hosted API, I hope this helps you starting your MSAL authentication faster, cleaner, and more straight forward.
Happy coding!💻