This repository contains the code to reproduce all results of our paper about T3.
Download the image from Docker Hub: First clone this repository and move into the cloned directory.
sudo docker pull tupletimetree/t3
sudo docker run -v $(pwd):/app -it tupletimetree/t3
Or build the image yourself: First clone this repository and move into the cloned directory.
sudo docker build -t t3 .
sudo docker run -v $(pwd):/app -it t3
General Requirements:
sudo apt install lz4 python3 python3-venv python3-pip
Install python requirements: First clone this repository and move into the cloned directory.
python -m venv venv
. venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
On MacOS you might need to
brew install libomp
Reproduce all figures of the paper:
. venv/bin/activate
The master script reproduces most results by default. However, some parts of the project are not portable. Most notably our database system only works on x86_64 Linux:
- Join Order Microbenchmark and model latency: Compiling our C++ benchmark file is only tested on x86_64 Linux.
You can run this benchmark by adding the flag
- Join Order Microbenchmark Query Testing: Benchmarking the generated queries with different join orderings requires to run the database system. This only works on x86_64 Linux.
You can run this benchmark by adding the flag
This will download (about 6 GB) and generate (about 300 GB) the csv data and load it into the database (about 500 GB). Total required storage is about (800 GB). - Reproducing the full database benchmarks: Creating the full dataset of benchmarked queries requires to run the database system. This only works on x86_64 Linux.
You can run this benchmark by adding the flag
This will download (about 6 GB) and generate (about 300 GB) the csv data and load it into the database (about 500 GB). Total required storage is about (800 GB). Benchmarks will take a while (about 8 hours on a 16 core machine)
The best way to run these additional benchmarks is to use the provided Dockerfile. To reproduce all results run:
sudo docker run -v $(pwd):/app -it tupletimetree/t3 -c -j
To re-create all results from scratch run:
sudo docker run -v $(pwd):/app -it tupletimetree/t3 -c -j -b
Each figure script has its own main function. These have to be run from the root of this directory. For example
. venv/bin/activate
python src/figures/