This is a Python project generated from the fair-python-cookiecutter template.
TODO: To finalize the project setup, please carefully read and follow the instructions in the
developer guide.
A copy of the guide is included in your project in docs/
TODO - add description
🚧 TODO: Write a paragraph summarizing what this project is about.
TODO: check that the installation instructions work
This project works with Python > 3.8.
pip install git+ssh://[email protected]/Materials-Data-Science-and-Informatics/fair-python-cookiecutter-demo.git
TODO: provide a minimal working example
Make sure you have pip
> 21.2 (see pip --version
), older versions have a bug causing
this problem. If the installed version is older, you can upgrade it with
pip install --upgrade pip
and then try again to install the package.
You can find more information on using and contributing to this repository in the documentation.
If you want to cite this project in your scientific work, please use the citation file in the repository.
We kindly thank all authors and contributors.
TODO: relevant organizational acknowledgements (employers, funders)