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rai Documentation
- How to code robotics with rai
How to learn KOMO (K-Order Motion Optimization)
- What is KOMO?
- What are the main steps to define a KOMO problem?
- Roughly, what does KOMO do with these specs?
- Can KOMO only optimize paths?
- Can I load an URDF?
- First practical steps
- Features are at the core
- Varying decision variables per time slice: kinematic switches & force contacts
- Summary: there are only a few fundamental methods in KOMO, the rest are helpers
- steps, phase, real time, and time optimization
- LINKS to more documentation
Just as arrays (vectors, matrices) are the core data structure to code
numerics, a Configuration
is the core data structure to code
robotics. A configuration represents objects in a 3D world and how
they are kinematically linked. When coding robotics, you create
configurations, edit them, compute numerical features from them (such
as the 3D position of an object, or the distance between two shapes),
and formulate optimization problems over configurations to solve
control or path finding problems.
A configuration is a set of Frame
s, each of which can have a
parent frame, can have degrees of freedom (dofs) to parameterize its
relative pose to the parent, can have a Shape
, and can have
. In advanced applications, a Configuration can also maintain
a list of object interactions and their dofs (e.g., contact forces).
Features are the core concept that relate configurations to numerics: Any numerical quantity you might want to compute
for a configuration is a Feature
. This could be basic things like
the position or orientation of an object, or the distance between
shapes, or nearest points on two shapes. But also more involved things
like the total engergy in the configuration (if velocities are also
represented, see below). Often features represent errors or residuals
of equation systems. For instance,
you would often define a feature to be the residual between an object
3D position and a desired 3D position, rather than the absolute object
position. Or a feature can be the residual of equations for force
propagation or the residual of closed kinematic loops. In that way it is convenient to formulate optimization
problems that aim to bring all features to zero (or lower equal to
zero). Such optimization problems can solve control and path problems
for you. Features are the interface between a configuration and numerics.
The relative transformations in configurations can have degrees of freedom (dofs), thereby modelling kinematic joints. The vector of all these dofs is also called joint state. A fundamental operation is to ``set the joint state'' of a configuration, and then computing all relative and absolute transformations of all frames, which is called forward kinematics. The classical joint state is the main example for dofs -- but in general we may want to introduce also other dofs, namely dofs that represent the force interaction between objects, or variables that indicate the time interval between two consecutive configurations. The reason is that these dofs can then become the decision variables in a mathematical program that solves for these quantities. Therefore, the general view is that whatever we might want to have as decision variable in a mathematical program should be dofs in configurations.
In ealier versions of the code velocities where explicitly represented in configurations, and all transformations were also dynamic (representing also linear and angular velocities). However, influenced by experience KOMO, I removed these representations of dynamics and now instead represent everything by thinking in terms of ``k-order''.
Quite trivially, instead of velocities, one typically represents two consecutive representations. Then all velocities are implicit by the finite difference between these two configurations. In particular, this can be the finite difference of dofs (which represents joint velocities), or the finite difference of any feature over the configurations (which can represent linear or angular velocities of frames, or velocities of shape distances, or velocities of any numerical quantity we can compute from frames).
Representing velocites by finite difference of two concecutive
configurations might seem dull and inefficient. But it is inherently
consistent with the time discretization always need to numerically
solve dynamic problems, avoids redundancies in path optimization
settings, and generalizes directly to higher-order systems, where we
might optimize for jerk. To be concrete, setting up operational space
control as optimization problem over configurations, you would
instantiate 3 configurations: One for the current time
KOMO means k-order markov optimization. KOMO is a way to formulate path optimization problems. Technically, this means it is a convention of how to specify the mathematical program, namely via the KOMO class.
It assumes that the path is represented as a sequence of T configurations (we discretized time). The decision variable of the mathematical program are the DOFs of each configuration. Note that the decision variables are not velocities in time slices, but just the ``joint angles'' (and other potential DOFs in a time slice). But we can still optimize dynamical paths. The reason is that the optimizer always considers (k+1)-tuples of consecutive configurations and all objectives are functions of such (k+1)-tuples. This is similar to having a k-order differential equation, instead of an ODE; or to having a k-order Markov chain, instead of a Markov chain.
I use the word /objective/ to refer to cost terms as well as inequality and equality constraints of the mathematical program.
With KOMO, the steps to specify the mathematical program are as follows:
First specify the basic configuration (setModel), and how many configurations (T) we have in this path problem. By convention, T is not set directly, but instead you specify a (double) number of phases, and steps-per-phase, the product of which gives T. The floating number /phase/ provides you an alternative way to refer to time slices. In the simplest setting, you have one phase (phase is in [0,1]), and steps-per-phase equals T.
Then you specify k. For smooth motions, k=2, which means we can define objectives on 3-tuples of consecutive configurations. For simple shortest path problems, we can choose k=1, where we can penalize the path length, but not accelerations.
As an advance feature (skip this first), you can then specify kinematic switches during the path. This means to specify operators that actually structurally change the kinematic tree(s) of the configuration at certain time slices. KOMO is designed to cope with such structural switches. In many kinematic reasoning settings, these appear naturally, e.g. when an object is first considered a leaf of a robot arm (stable grasp), and later a leaf link of a tablet where it was placed on.
Finally, and this is the main thing, you specify the list of objectives. KOMO has a single method for this: addObjective. The key to learning KOMO is to learn using this method -- and
A core of KOMO is to compile all the given information into a more abstract representation of a non-linear mathematical program. It does so by implementing different (virtual) problem abstractions, namely ConstrainedProblem, GraphProblem, or KOMOProblem. Then, behind these problem abstractions, a solver is finding an optimal solution. While the KOMO code comes with a default solver, this solver should not necessarily be thought of as part of KOMO. One could plug-and-place replace it with any other general NLP solver.
In all cases, the full path (vector of all DOFs in all time slices) becomes the decision variable of the solver. The difference in the abstractions is in how much structure of the Jacobians and feature dependencies is being exposed to the solver. In the default case (via the GraphProblem abstraction), the solver knows which objectives depend on which variables, and their Jacobians are represented sparsely.
Actually no. You can optimize any 'network' of configurations. That is, you can specify that there are T configurations, but they are not necessarily consecutive. Instead, you specify objectives, but each objective may depend only on maximally k+1 configurations - but these are arbitrary. Thereby the structure is a network of configurations, where the objective define couplings or cliques of maximal size k+1. Such problems are handled exactly the same way as path problems, namely by exposing a sparse graph structure to the solver.
Yes. But currently it is only partially automatic. The easy part is to convert the urdf-file to a g-file using bin/urdf2rai.py. The resulting g-file encodes the full kinematic structure. The part which usually requires manual fiddling are the mesh files. First, in the g-file, you have to change the path to their try location in the file system (removing the 'package' part). Potentially that's all you need. However, KOMO calls various collision libraries that need clean correct (orientation, holes, etc) mesh files. Those that come with URDF files are typically not clean and correct. I typically use meshlab (the command line tool) to automatically clean and compress meshes into ply files. The best guide for this is the hubo/HOWTO.sh in the rai-robotModels repository.
Also, you should check the results using the $RAI/bin/kinEdit tool to display g-files from command line. Call 'make bin' in $RAI to compile this. You can edit the file with any editor during watching it with kinEdit.
You can copy the folder $RAI/test/KOMO/tutorial to any place you want (e.g. your own sandbox repository). Just edit the BASE = ../.. declaration to the actual $RAI path and make will still work.
Play around with the tutorialBasics() as follows:
in setTiming, change the steps-per-phase from 20 to 40 - which will give a more fine grained trajectory
in setTiming, change the last argument from k=2 to k=1 - this will lead to interesting problems! (UNDO this)
set argument setSquaredQAccVelHoming(0., 1., 0.) - which will lead to a shortest path (penalizing velocities) instead of a smoothest path (penalizing accelerations). Note that typically shortest path problems (also with k=1) are harder for the solver than smoothest, because penalizing accelerations introduces more correlations between configuration and a better conditioned path Hessian which leads to better Newton steps.
comment-out the FS_positionDiff objective
comment-out the FS_quaternionDiff objective
comment-out the setSlow objective
Play with changing objective types from OT_eq (equality constraint) to OT_sos (sum-of-squares), and reducing the scaling number {1e0} to {1e-1} or {1e-2} -- this will lead to approximate tasks only
Play with the changing {1., -1.} to {.5, .8} for one of the objectives. This changes when the objective is active (using the phase coordinate). 0.=start, 1.=after 20 steps, 2.=after 40 steps. Specifying -1. as last entry means 'until the end'.
The core of learning KOMO is to learn how to add objectives. The method declaration is
struct Objective* addObjective(
const arr& times, //when (in phase! time) is this objective active?
FeatureSymbol feat, //what feature is this about?
const StringA& frames, //which frames are input to the feature?
ObjectiveType type, //is this a sos, eq, or ineq objective?
const arr& scale=NoArr, //an optional scaling or linear transformation! of the feature
const arr& target=NoArr, //an optional translation (change of zero-point) of the feature
int order=-1, //how many configurations are input to the feature (order=1: velocity; order=2: acceleration)
int deltaFromStep=0, //modify when exactly the objective becomes active
int deltaToStep=0); //modify when exactly the objective ends being active
Let's explain this with a series of examples. The first example
addObjective({1.}, FS_position, {"endeff"}, OT_eq, {1e1}, {1.,2.,3.});
creates a new objective for the configuration of phase time 1. This objective is about a feature that takes a single configuration as input and maps it to the 3D world position of the "endeff" frame. From the resulting 3D position vector it subtracts the vector
The second example
addObjective({1.}, FS_position, {"endeff"}, OT_eq, arr(2,3 {1,0,0, 0,1,0}), {1.,2.,3.});
is almost the same as the first, but we replaced the scalar scaling 1e1 by the $2\times$3-matrix
The third example
addObjective({1.}, FS_position, {"endeff"}, OT_eq, {1e1}, {1.,2.,3.}, 1);
is again almost the same as the first, but we added the order argument
The fourth example is a rare case, but we add it here to also explain the last arguments:
addObjective({1.}, FS_position, {"endeff"}, OT_eq, {1e1}, {0,0,0}, 1, -2, +3);
The last two arguments are a refinement of when exactly the objective is active. In this case, the objective not only holds at phase time 1, but starts being active 2 time discretization steps before phase time 1, and ends being active 3 time discretization steps after phase time one. The use case for this specification is rare, but sometimes we need to be very precise in which time steps objectives hold, esp. when imposing constraints that relate to kinematic switches or transitions between different dynamic phases.
So far we explained all arguments of addObjective except for those that specify the feature. In the previous examples the feature was specified by an enum symbol (FS_position) and the frame name "endeff" to which the feature refers to. But the concept of a feature is much more general than that. There is a second declaration of the addObjective method,
struct Objective* addObjective(const arr& times, const ptr<Feature>& f, ObjectiveType type, const arr& scale=NoArr, const arr& target=NoArr, int order=-1, int deltaFromStep=0, int deltaToStep=0);
which is identical to the previous declaration except that, as the 2nd argument, it receives an instance of the abstract Feature class. A Feature implements an arbitrary differentiable mapping (the virtual phi method) from any tuple of configurations to a vector (see the Kin/feature.h header). In principle the user can implement any instances of this class to define own feature spaces in add objectives in these feature spaces to the mathematical program. However, the KOMO code includes a large set of predefined features, which can be referred to by the feature symbols (see Kin/featureSylbols.h). Most of these features are uniquely defined by specifying which frames they refer to. Therefore, the default is that a feature is specified by a symbol and a set of frames. More complicated features have to be first created as a shared pointer and then added as objective to the mathematical program.
The 3D position of a frame is one of the simplest examples of a feature. A more complicated example is the quaternion of the relative orientation of two frames. Another feature that is often useful is the scalar product of two vectors, which can be attached to any two frames. These scalar products measure alignment and are typically constrained to be equal to 0 or 1. These are examples for geometric features. These geometric features come in three versions: (1) the position, vector or quaternion directly; (2) the /relative/ position of one frame as measured in another frame, the vector attached to one frame as measured in another frame, or the quaternion orientation of one frame as measured in another; and (3) the /difference/ in position of one frame and another as measured in world coordinates, the difference of two vectors attached to two frames as measured in world coordinates, or the difference of quaternions of two frames as measured in world coordinates. Whenever quaternions are subtracted of course this is modulo sign flip to account for the double coverage of SO(3).
Apart from these typical geometric features there are other features,
esp. those that directly refer to the joint angles. The most
important among those is the FS_qItself feature, which is nothing but
Another group of features is related to collisions and shape distances or penetrations. The FS_accumulatedCollision maps a configuration to a single scalar that indicates penetration in the scene when the scalar is positive. The FS_distance maps two frames to the /negative/ signed distance between their convex shapes. Thereby, imposing an inequality on the FS_distance between two frames avoids their penetration, but they may touch (which is important for manipulation). If you want to avoid collision by a margin, you have to specify a negative target, e.g., a target {-0.1} will keep the shapes 10 cm apart.
Finally, other features are related to imposing physics constraints, and internally there are a lot more advanced features implemented, which are not yet exposed via the simple feature symbols.
KOMO is perhaps special among available trajectory optimization
methods in that is allows to optimize over sequences in which the
structure and degrees-of-freedom of configurations changes over
time. This originated from work that aimed to model kinematic
pick-and-place scenarios, where the object is initially a child of
some table without any own DOFs, then, when picked up, becomes a child
of the endeffector, with 7 /effective/ DOFs that describe the constant
relative pose of the object in hand, then, when placed, becomes again
a child of a table, but now with 3 DOFs that describe the effective
placement DOFs (literally an
In KOMO such kinematic switches can be added to the problem specification equally to how objectives are added. Namely, the addSwitch method allows this. Internally, these switches are process quite differently to objectives: While the list of objectives defines what information is passed to the NLP solver in each solver iteration, the list of switches is being process /only once at the initialization/ of the optimization problem. By initialization here I mean, the explicit creation of all the T configurations that represent all time slices. This happens in the komo.setupConfigurations() method, which is called in komo.reset() typically after all objectives have been defined and just before the optimizer is started. That is, the setupConfiguration methods accounts for all the kinematic switches when creating the explicit kinematic representations of each time slice.
The mechanism of introducing particular decision variables only for certain time slides is more general than just kinematic switches. To enable physical reasoning KOMO allows you to introduce explicit decision variables for a potential force exchange between pairs of frames in particular time slices of phases. This is done with the addContact methods. While introducing new decision variables to the mathematical program (new DOFs of the configurations in certain time slides), these methods automatically also add a series of equality and inequality constraints to model different kinds of contacts.
In summary, there are only a few fundamental methods to specify the optimization problem:
- setModel, to specify the blueprint configuration that is used to create configurations for all time slices (accounting for switches)
- setTiming, to specify the basic phase duration, steps, and k-order
- addObjective
- addSwitch
- addContact
Many other methods are just for convenience and internally just call the following fundamental methods. Further methods are for running the default solver, or reading out results.
There are really /three/ different quantities that relate to time in
KOMO. First, we distinguish between step and phase, where steps
enumerate the series of configurations from 0 to T-1, and phase is a
floating number from 0 to T/steps-per-phase. The precise mapping
between these is done by the conv_time2step and conv_step2time methods
in Kin/switch.h. The purpose of this distinction is that you can
design a scheme referring only to phase time, but then change your
choice of time discretization. Ideally, the mathematical program
should be almost invariant w.r.t. a change of steps-per-phase. This is
accounted for especially in the default penalizations of accelerations
and velocities in the setQAccVelHoming method: the scaling of these
squared penalties is automatically multiplied with
In addition, one should distinguish between phase and real
time. First, in most practical settings, there should be a
post-processing of optimized paths to decide how fast the optimized
path should be executed in real time, e.g. by analyzing the joint
velocities in the path. Further, KOMO also allows to introduce the
real time interval
- And old arxiv tech report: https://arxiv.org/abs/1407.0414
- docu links in rai-maintenance
- docu of features for the python bindings