Configurable Telegram bot that schedules random motivational quotes. Implemented with the python-telegram-bot API library.
Usage is TOKEN, where TOKEN must be a valid access token provided by @BotFather. QuotesBot accepts the following commmands:
/start - welcomes you.
/now - prints the current date and time (in YYYY:MM:DD - HH:MM:SS format).
/random_quote - immediately sends a quote.
/set_period PARAMETER - schedules periodic quotes. Supported format for PARAMETER: HH:MM:SS.
/once PARAMETER - schedules a one-time-only quote. Supported format for PARAMETER: HH:MM:SS.
/set_quotes PARAMETER - used to resume or pause the scheduler (note: pausing the scheduler does not remove the scheduled quotes). PARAMETER is either on or off.
/finish - clears the schedule, removing all pending quotes.
/help - prints commands and their usage.
All non-command messages are simply echoed.