📖 I’m currently learning Foundry, NextJS, DeFi
👨💻 All of my projects are available at https://github.com/Madraceee?tab=repositories
💬 Ask me about NextJS, Solidity
📫 How to reach me nitheeshraaja@gmail.com
⚡ Fun fact -> Coder by day Caped crusader by night
🌎 Personal Website -> iamnitheesh.com
Greetings! I'm Nitheesh, a passionate Web3 Developer based in India. My journey in the world of technology began with a curious exploration of programming languages, and it has evolved into a fervor for crafting innovative and decentralized digital experiences.
I find immense joy in translating ideas into code and bringing them to life. Whether it's building dynamic and user-friendly web applications with Next.js and React, or diving deep into the realm of DeFi (Decentralized Finance) protocols and Solidity to shape the future of finance, I'm always excited to take on new challenges.
Currently, my focus is on mastering technologies in frontend and blockchain to create robust and scalable applications that contribute to the evolution of the web. .