For those who are new into mobile robotics and want a gentle introduction, I recommend the following online resources:
- The "5 minutes with Cyrill" series (2020-2021). Here you can see the chapter for SLAM:
- These taped seminars by Cyrill Stachniss (2013-2014):
- This course by Dr. Jürgen Sturm (TUM, 2013):
- My 2020 course "A brief introduction to factor graphs" (5 videos). Here it is the fifth video, an introduction to the GTSAM library:
- The current must-read SLAM survey paper (2020-2021): Cadena, C., Carlone, L., Carrillo, H., Latif, Y., Scaramuzza, D., Neira, J., ... & Leonard, J. J. (2016). Past, present, and future of simultaneous localization and mapping: Toward the robust-perception age. IEEE Transactions on robotics, 32(6), 1309-1332. (PDF)
- Our SLAM book, for those who want a rigorous treatment of all probabilistic equations in modern mobile robotics (~2012): “Simultaneous Localization and Mapping for Mobile Robots: Introduction and Methods” (Fernández-Madrigal, J.A. and Blanco, J.L., 2012).
- About EKF-based SLAM with landmark maps (the trend between 1999 and ~2010, outdated nowadays):
- An excellent introductory/advanced book (for everything up to ~2005): Probabilistic Robotics, by Sebastian Thrun, Wolfram Burgard and Dieter Fox.