This GUI application is a demonstration of 2D range-bearing SLAM under the paradigm of EKF-based SLAM, in a didactic way that allows extensive experimentation with data-association and parameter tuning.
It is an extension to a similar Matlab program developed by J. Neira and J. D. Tardós (University of Zaragoza).
At the core of this program lies one MRPT class: mrpt::slam::CRangeBearingKFSLAM2D.
The paper explaining the Matching Likelihood criteron for data association (one of the two choices offered in this program) is :cite:`blanco2012amd` (BibTex, Draft PDF ).
Invoking the program without any flag will launch it in normal, interactive, mode:
USAGE: 2d-slam-demo [-r] [-n] [-c <params.ini>] [--] [--version] [-h] Where: -r, --norun Just load the config file, don't run it. -n, --nogui Don't stay in the GUI, exit after the experiment. -c <params.ini>, --config <params.ini> Config file to load --, --ignore_rest Ignores the rest of the labeled arguments following this flag. --version Displays version information and exits. -h, --help Displays usage information and exits. 2d-slam-demo