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This repository contains a tutorial and scripts to create a gene synteny and homology figure for a set of species.

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Visualizing Synteny and Homology of Genes

This repository contains a tutorial and scripts to create a gene synteny and homology figure for a set of species. Additionally, it contains a tutorial to create a phylogenetic tree.

Figures 1 b and c of the paper of Escobar Doncel and collaborators can be reproduced following this tutorial. The input files are FASTA genomes in folder genomes and proteins of interest in folder proteins. They contain data for 8 bacterial species.

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Required software

If you have access to the draco high-performance cluster and are part of the VEO group, you only need to install gggenomes and Rstudio locally in your computer for creating the synteny and homology figure. Otherwise, install the software mentioned below according to the developer's recommendations and adapt the command lines to your needs. Inkscape is a good option to do final touches to your figure if needed and should also be installed locally. Other software are already installed in draco and can be used as mentioned in this tutorial.

For synteny and homology figure:

To create a phylogenetic tree:

For final touches:

Synteny and homology figure

If you are part of the VEO group, log in to draco and allocate a node to work on.

ssh <fsu_id>
salloc --partition=standard 

If you are not part of the VEO group, adapt scripts scripts/ and scripts/ to your needs. As an example, below is the content of scripts/ You only have to change the command line to run Prodigal. All other lines can remain the same and will work in your system.


# Loop over each .fna file 
for file in genomes/*.fna; do

  # Extract the base name of the file (remove the .fna extension)
  base_name=$(basename "$file" .fna)
  echo "$base_name"

  # Run Prodigal with the specified options
  /home/groups/VEO/tools/prodigal/v2.6.3/prodigal -i "$file" -o proteins/"${base_name}.gff" -f gff -a proteins/"${base_name}.fasta"

Next, clone this repository and move to the repository folder:

git clone
cd genes_synteny

As input, you should have FASTA files with genomes (as the files in genomes in this repository). If you already have proteins in FASTA and coordinates in BED or GFF formats, you can skip the next steps.

If you do not have protein sequences and coordinates yet, predict genes with Prodigal with script scripts/, as indicated below. As output, you will obtain files named proteins/<SPECIES_ID>.fasta and proteins/<SPECIES_ID>.gff.

#Run Prodigal
bash scripts/

If you already have proteins of interest (as the files in proteins/<SPECIES_ID>_proteins_of_interest.fasta) and need their coordinates, BLAST them against Prodigal's protein predictions with script scripts/ You will obtain as output files named proteins/<SPECIES_ID>_proteins_of_interest_against_prodigal.blastout.

bash scripts/

Afterwads, select the proteins of interest and name them proteins/<SPECIES_ID>.blastoutbest. As an example, see below the BLAST hits of protein moeA from file proteins/UW101_proteins_of_interest_against_prodigal.blastout for species UW101:

moeA    1_4772  100.000 390     0       0       1       390     1       390 0.0      787
moeA    1_5127  20.667  150     83      3       179     292     5       154 0.019    34.3
moeA    1_4765  21.642  134     87      3       169     291     148     274 0.050    32.7
moeA    1_4726  27.941  136     79      5       210     326     165     300 1.1      28.5
moeA    1_1744  54.545  22      10      0       155     176     104     125 2.6      26.9
moeA    1_4824  33.333  57      35      2       219     273     17      72  2.8      26.9
moeA    1_3329  40.000  50      23      2       113     157     1226    12733.2      27.3
moeA    1_5001  44.118  34      17      1       132     165     87      118 4.7      26.6

Selecting the best hit by hand, you have:

moeA    1_4772  100.000 390     0       0       1       390     1       390 0.0      787

If you do this for all proteins of interest, you will end up with files proteins/<SPECIES_ID>.blastoutbest (which are given as example in this repository).

Next, you should adapt the format of .blastoutbest files to be compatible to gggenomes using script scripts/ (the output will be a file called objects/alv_genes_<SPECIES_ID>.csv). The usage of this script follows below with an example file given in this repository. You can run this script for all files within a folder using script scripts/ as below.

#Optional to learn the usage of the script: run just for one file
python3 scripts/ proteins/UW101.blastoutbest proteins/UW101.gff > objects/alv_genes_UW101.csv
#Run for all files
bash scripts/ > objects/alv_genes1.csv

At this point, you produced file objects/alv_genes1.csv, which is all you need for subsequent steps. Log out of draco and work locally. Note that objects/alv_genes1.csv is formatted to be compatible to gggenomes. If you have gene coordinates in another format, such as GenBank, you should convert it to GFF (for this you could use this code). For more information on gggenomes file formats, consult the gggenomes webpage.

Clone the repository locally and move to the scripts folder. Next, open jupyter notebook get_objects.ipynb.

git clone
cd genes_synteny/scripts
jupyter notebook
#After the browser opens, select file "get_objects.ipynb"

Run the cells of the notebook one by one to produce the objects required by gggenomes (they are also given as example in this repository, in folder objects):

  • objects/alv_seqs3.csv: contains lengths of genomes
  • objects/alv_ava2.csv: contains homologies between genomes
  • objects/alv_prot_ava2.csv: contains homologies between ortholog proteins
  • objects/alv_genes3.csv: contains the same genes of objects/alv_genes1.csv, but with shortened coordinates and spacers (if genes are too far apart) for better visualization

Object alv_operons.csv is optional for gggenomes and indicates operon coordinates. It was written by hand for the files given in this repository. Operons will be diplayed by gggenomes as grey boxes surrounding genes.

To improve visualization of the synteny, the jupyter notebook will shorten gene coordinates if genes are too far apart. Large spaces (defined by max_dist > 5000 bp) will be removed and a z_spacer element will be added (as in the figure below). Specifically, if the end of the first gene and the start of the second gene are longer than 5 kb, a spacer will be added. You can change the value of the variable max_dist in the jupyter notebook to improve visualization for other species and genes. Spacers can be substituted for dots or slashes in a program like InkScape.

Next, move back to the main folder and list the files in folder objects to make sure they were successfully created.

cd ..
ls -lh objects

Now you can visualize the synteny and homology with gggenomes in RStudio using script scripts/synteny.r. The output will be figures figures/synteny.pdf (figure below) and figures/synteny_tree.jpg. To create the figures, open the R script in RStudio and run the commands.

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Any final touches to the figure can be done using Inkscape.

Phylogenetic tree

As explained above in section "Synteny and homology figure", log in to draco, if you are part of the VEO group, and allocate a node to work on. If you are not part of the VEO group, adapt scripts scripts/ and scripts/iqtree.sbatch to your needs.

Clone this repository, if you have not done this yet, and move to the repository folder:

git clone
cd genes_synteny

To create a phylogenetic tree of your species of interest, start with extracting 16S rRNA genes from the genomes of the bacteria using Barrnap. This can be done with script scripts/, which uses as input all .fna files of folder genomes/*fna. It outputs GFF and FASTA files such as 16S_genes/UW101.gff and 16S_genes/UW101_16S.fasta. BEDtools getfasta is used after Barrnap to extract the FASTA sequences (the output of Barrnap is GFF files with coordinates):

#Run Barrnap and BEDtools getfasta for all genomes to create GFF and FASTA files
bash scripts/

It may be that more than one 16S rRNA gene is predicted in the GFF, so choose one copy per species for the subsequent steps. Choose the best candidate based on the GFF file and keep only this sequence in the FASTA file. Afterwards, save the chosen copies in one file named 16S_genes/all_species_16S.fasta (this file is given as an example in this repository).

#Inspect the GFF coordinates, chose one copy of the 16S rRNA per species
cat 16S_genes/*gff
#Change files by hand to keep only one copy of the 16S sequence per species. Example below: open and modify files with vim
vim 16S_genes/*_16S.fasta
#Save the chosen copies in one file
cat 16S_genes/*_16S.fasta > 16S_genes/all_species_16S.fasta

The next step is to align the 16S rRNA genes with MAFFT and produce the phylogenetic tree with iqtree using the commands below (adapt them if needed).

/home/groups/VEO/tools/mafft/v7.505/bin/mafft 16S_genes/all_species_16S.fasta > 16S_genes/all_species_16S.alg
/home/groups/VEO/tools/iqtree/1.6.12/bin/iqtree -s 16S_gene/all_species_16S.alg

From the command above, iqtree produces a phylogenetic tree in Newick format named 16S_genes/all_species_16S.alg.treefile (file 16S_genes/species.treefile is given as an example in this repository). You can visualize the tree in RStudio (script scripts/synteny.r) or alternatively in the online tool iToL (click tab on the top "Upload" and input your Newick file).

Any final touches to the figure can be done using Inkscape.


This repository contains a tutorial and scripts to create a gene synteny and homology figure for a set of species.






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