This is a project of the M1 of the Computer Vision Master where we aim is to search images in a large image database based on visual contents.
Before running the project, make sure you have installed the following packages:
- cv2
- numpy
- imutils
- argparse
- collections
- pickle
- skimage
Start the project running the following:
python ./ -d (folder of the database) -i (path to store indexes) -q (folder of the first query) -b (folder of the second query)
-t (path to the test query 1) -t2 (path to the test query 2) -m (path to store the masks) -mt (path to store the test masks)
-d: Path to the folder of the database
-i: Path to where we stored our index
-q: Path to the folder of the query 1
-b: Path to the folder of the query 2
-t: Path to the folder of the test query 1
-t2: Path to the folder of the test query 2
-m: Path to the folder where you want to save the masks
-mt: Path to the folder where you want to save the masks from the test 2