margs (Maipa's Args Analyzer) is a C++ library for parsing command-line arguments. It supports flags (--flag
), values (--value value
), and grouped arguments (e.g., group --group-flag
). The library allows easy definition of valid arguments, automatically generates error messages for invalid input, and provides built-in help message generation.
- Argument Parsing: Supports flags, values, and grouped arguments.
- Automatic Help Message Generation: No extra setup required.
- Custom Argument Decoders: Define custom types for argument parsing.
- Custom Help Messages: Override default help messages.
- Header-Only Library: Easy to integrate.
- Platform Compatibility: Designed for Windows, macOS, and Linux.
- C++20 Compatibility: Uses modern C++ features.
- C++ Standard: The library is designed for C++20 and later.
- Dependencies: This library depends on mstd (Maipa’s Standard Library).
No additional dependencies are required apart from mstd. Simply include the margs headers in your project.
#include <margs/margs.hpp>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
using namespace margs;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
// Create program args
args_analizer args = args_analizer(
help_data{ .description = "Args analizer sample description" },
args_builder::makeValue("value", 'v', 1,
help_data{.description = "sample value description"}
args_builder::makeFlag("flag", 'f',
help_data{ .description = "sample flag description" }
help_data { .description = "sample group description" },
args_builder::makeFlag("group-flag", 'f'
help_data { .description = "sample group flag description" }
// Get program args
args_map arg_values;
try {
arg_values = args.analize(argc, argv);
catch (const args_exception& e) {
cout << e.what() << endl;
return 1;
// Get Value Arg
string value;
if (arg_values.contains_value("value")) {
value = arg_values.get_value("value").as<string>();
if (arg_values.contains_flag("group::group-flag")) {
cout << "Group flag" << endl;
You can define custom decoders for your own data types by specializing decoder<T>
inside the margs
namespace margs {
struct decoder<custom_type> {
static bool decode(const arg_value& lhs, custom_type& rhs) {
if (!lhs.isScalar()) return false;
rhs = custom_type(<string>());
return true;
You can define custom help message structures that will be used when --help
is passed:
struct sample_help_message {
using data_type = help_data;
static std::string getMessage(const std::string& program_name,
const arg_info_sptr<help_data>& info,
const std::vector<arg_info_sptr<help_data>>& args) {
return "Default Help Message";
By default, help_data
is used to provide additional argument information, but you can override it for more customization.
This project is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License with Attribution Requirement. See the LICENSE
file for more details.