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CLI + Config loading for Zig ! Everything is setup to have almost no friction !


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CLI + Config for zig 0.14.0 !

Many of the current libraries in zig only support for CLI command arguments or config loading but not both at the same time.

This library aims to solve that problem ! It aims to be as minimal as possible, and as much in compile-time as possible.


Run the following command in your favourite terminal, in a folder containing a build.zig.zon :

$ zig fetch --save git+

Add the dpendency to your build.zig :

const std = @import("std");

pub fn build(b: *std.Build) void {
    // -- snip --

    const clig_dep = b.dependency("clig", .{
        .target = target,
        .optimize = optimize,

    // Where `exe` represents your executable/library to link to

    // -- snip --

And voilà ! Everything is in order.


You can see the example/ folder for an example usage of this library. It aims to be as less disruptive as possible :

First import clig :

const clig = @import("clig");

Define your config, it should be default constructible (aka. all fields should have defaults) :

const Config = struct {
    flag: u8 = 5,
    string: []const u8 = "default value",
    randoming: enum {
    } = .true_random,
    advanced: struct {
        testify: bool = false,
        random: u8 = 76,
    } = .{},

Define a help struct that contains the description of the fields of Config, having the same name.

Until we can add additional information to fields, this is the only solution to add compile-time information to a struct.

const ConfigHelp = struct {
    flag: []const u8 = "Flag that does strictly nothing",
    string: []const u8 = "Might want to set a variable as a string as well",
    randoming: []const u8 = "Sets the useless type of randomness to use",
    advanced: struct {
        testify: []const u8 = "Type-ception is fun",
        random: []const u8 = "Sets the randomness as to how much do nothing",
    } = .{},

Now you can call clig.init(#ConfigType, #Allocator, #InitOptions) freely !

pub fn main() !void {
    // -- snip --

    _ = clig.init(Config, allocator, .{
        .help = .{
            .title = "Example",
            .preambule = "CLIG Example CLI application that can do nothing ;)",
            .description = ConfigHelp,
    }) catch |err| switch (err) {
        error.HelpMessageShown => return, // Handle the case where help was shown
        else => return err,
    defer clig.deinit();

And that's it ! If you have already a Config type defined, all you need is to add a Helper companion of the said type to add the descriptions. CLI arguments can be parsed using : --arg=<value> or --arg value or if the type is a bool --arg (to set to true).

The above types will generate the following configs and help message :

$ zig build run -- --help
clig-example - Example
CLIG Example CLI application that can do nothing ;)

Arguments :

--flag <u8>
Default: 5 - Flag that does strictly nothing
--string <string>
Default: default value - Might want to set a variable as a string as well
--randoming <true_random,prng,cprng>
Default: true_random - Sets the useless type of randomness to use

Section advanced
  --advanced.testify <bool>
  Default: false - Type-ception is fun
  --advanced.random <u8>
  Default: 76 - Sets the randomness as to how much do nothing
$ cat config.json
	"flag": 5,
	"string": "default value",
	"randoming": "true_random",
	"advanced": {
		"testify": false,
		"random": 76


  • Config file loading
  • Argument loading
  • = in arguments loading
  • Comptime Help
  • More detailed documentation
  • ENV arguments
  • Better Errors
  • Revamp the example