This program downloads scpd videos for a given class in the order that they happened as a wmv, then converts them to a mp4. Each time the script is run, it will update to download all of the undownloaded videos.
This script is modified from the one by Ben Newhouse
Unfortunately, there are lots of dependencies to get it up and running
- BeautifulSoup for parsing: [sudo easy_install beautifulsoup4] or
- Mechanize for emulating a browser: [sudo easy_install mechanize] or
- mimms for downloading video streams [sudo apt-get install mimms]
- (For Apple fanbois who don't want .wmv output) Handbrake CLI, for converting to mp4:
To run: Change to your username When prompted, type your password
Usage: python yourUserName "Interactive Computer Graphics"
The way I use it is to keep a folder of videos, and once I have watched them, move them into a subfolder called watched. So it also wont redowload files that are in a subfolder called watched.