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Processing for Visual Studio Code


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What this extension is

This is a fork of a Visual Studio Code extension created by Tobiah Zarlez to add Processing language support, with added documentation on hover, diagnostics, and more.

Note: You should probably uninstall the old extension as the syntax highlighting will conflict

What this extension isn't

This extension does not allow you to debug Java or Processing projects. It also doesn't include any sort of intellisense.

Why the fork?

The original extension was missing some features that I wanted and it seemed as if the repo was no longer being maintained. So, forked the extension and changed some things.

  • Better syntax highlighting (thanks to Red Hat)
  • Documentation on hover
  • A run button
  • Simple diagnostics
  • Strings are auto closing and surrounding

See the CHANGELOG for all changes

Hover Hover Error

Feature list

Syntax highlighting

Open any .pde file, or choose "Processing" from the drop down menu in the bottom right corner.


Once the language has been set, you will see code snippets pop up automatically as you type!

Documentation on hover

When you hover over a function such as square, documentation for this function will appear!


Installing this extension will add the following commands to your command pallette (CTRL+SHIFT+P, or opened by View -> Command Pallette). These commands can be selected and run from there, to complete the corresponding tasks.

Command: Open Extension Documentation

Opens this documentation.

Command: Open Documentation for Selection

Use the pallet command "Processing: Open Documentation for Selection" to open the processing documentation for the current selection.

By default uses's documentation. Can change to p5js's if preferred using the setting.

Command: Run

Runs the current processing project (from current working directory). Also includes a run button in the editor menu

Command: Search Processing Website

Use the pallet command "Processing: Search Processing Website" to quickly search whatever you want on the processing website.

By default uses Google for search. Can change to DuckDuckGo if preferred using the setting.


Snippets are based on the Processing Sublime Text plugin. Syntax highlighting is based on the Red Hat VSCode-Java extension grammar